ackalker / Xweston

Use X display managers and window managers with Xwayland and weston
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Is Xweston still active? #2

Closed je-vv closed 7 years ago

je-vv commented 7 years ago

Just wondering if the project is still active...

Without much investigation, I just tried the latest release, installed from AUR (Arch), and got urxvt (rxvt-unicode) crashing after some time...

I didn't investigate much, since both the release and the git versions in AUR are orphaned.

It would be really sad to read it's dead, since I know no other option to attempt to get fluxbox on wayland...

je-vv commented 7 years ago

Well, urxvt and firefox hadn't died yet, :-) Still looking for seeing if it's still alive, :-)

BTW, curiously, I edited the weston.ini, given I needed a different keyboard layout:

++++ [core]



[shell] client=/usr/lib/Xweston/dummy-client background-color=0xff000000 panel-location=none close-animation=fade focus-animation=dim-layer animation=zoom

[keyboard] keymap_layout=latam,us keymap_options=lv3:ralt_switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle ++++

Notice, I couldn't uncomment:

Every time I trie enabling the module Xweston crashes. I guess it's not necessary, given the way Xweston works, calling Xwayland 1st... So that might be the cause of the crashes, trying to load a module already up, :-)

Wayland backend gtk3 apps also seem to work...

Now just waiting to see if still alive to keep testing, :-)

je-vv commented 7 years ago

Hmm, when setting backend to wayland for applications (gtk3 for example):

export GDK_BACKEND=wayland

Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays

Seems like not recognizing the wayland backend...

je-vv commented 7 years ago

I just realize, that although this mechanism has weston underneath, there's no compositing enabled, and if such mechanism is wanted, one still needs to call for an X compositor like compton.

So not much sense having an X compositor on top of a Wayland one (weston). So in the end, though working still, doesn't make much sense to me.

So I'm closing the issue, since I won't further pursue Xweston.