ackalker / Xweston

Use X display managers and window managers with Xwayland and weston
36 stars 7 forks source link

2022 another noob does not see the light #4

Open retoretro opened 2 years ago

retoretro commented 2 years ago

do need xweston to launch my openbox of old in arch linux my xorg arch linux (arcolinux, that is) crashed over a botched qt update, I use wayland with gentoo anyway so i switched to wayland in arch, too, and it is even nicer than with gentoo, but... installed xweston 0.8 just fine my 'real' weston is 9.0 can run xweston as root only, but ok will change the user and group thingy so not the real issue now when I do in tty1 (greetd) or tt2 (bash): startx -- /usr/bin/Xweston all it does is start x and create a weston instance all black in appearance, which disappears after say 50 sec (I might have missed some newer ways to launch x wmanagers via xwayland but i did search extensively) what I did not get from the start, what sense would it make running all this from "inside an x session" why should I make such a detour to launch xorg based wm so I thought I read it's supposed to be the other way round: there is wayland > there is Xwayland > there should be eg openbox, like there is eg thunar (which runs fine in wayland weston) thanks and