ackermanmoriii / python-fundamentals

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Open ackermanmoriii opened 2 weeks ago

ackermanmoriii commented 2 weeks ago

To create a Python program that follows the flowchart you provided, we can implement a simple quiz game. The game will ask a series of questions, check if the answer is correct, keep track of the score, and finally display the total score. Here is the implementation of the program:

# Define a list of questions and their correct answers
questions = [
    {"question": "What is the biggest animal in the ocean?", "answer": "whale"},
    {"question": "How many continents are there?", "answer": "7"},
    {"question": "What is the capital of France?", "answer": "paris"},

def ask_question(question):
    # Ask the user the question
    user_answer = input(question["question"] + " ").strip().lower()
    # Check if the answer is correct
    if user_answer == question["answer"].lower():
        return 1  # Return 1 point for a correct answer
        print("Wrong answer.")
        return 0  # Return 0 points for a wrong answer

def run_quiz(questions):
    score = 0  # Initialize score
    for q in questions:
        score += ask_question(q)  # Ask each question and update the score
    print(f"Your total score is: {score}/{len(questions)}")  # Show the final score

# Run the quiz


  1. Questions and Answers: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains a question and its corresponding correct answer.
  2. ask_question Function: This function takes a question dictionary as input, prompts the user for an answer, checks if the answer is correct, and returns 1 if correct or 0 if wrong.
  3. run_quiz Function: This function runs the quiz by iterating through each question, calling ask_question, and summing the scores.
  4. Running the Quiz: The run_quiz function is called with the list of questions, starting the quiz.

You can add more questions to the questions list and modify the questions and answers as needed.

Steps to Run the Program:

  1. Copy the provided code into a Python file (e.g.,
  2. Run the file using a Python interpreter (python
  3. The program will ask each question in the console, and you can input your answer. After all questions, it will display your total score.

Feel free to customize the questions or add additional functionality like handling multiple choice questions, providing feedback, or allowing retries.

ackermanmoriii commented 2 weeks ago

To implement the logic shown in your flowchart using Python, we can create a simple quiz application. This program will ask a series of questions, check if the answers are correct, and keep track of the score.

Here's a basic implementation:

# Define the questions and answers
questions = [
    {"question": "What is the biggest animal in the ocean?", "answer": "whale"},
    {"question": "What is the tallest mountain in the world?", "answer": "Mount Everest"},
    {"question": "What planet is known as the Red Planet?", "answer": "Mars"}

# Function to ask questions and evaluate answers
def ask_question(question):
    user_answer = input(question["question"] + " ")
    if user_answer.strip().lower() == question["answer"].lower():
        return 1
        print("Wrong answer!")
        return 0

def main():
    score = 0
    for i, question in enumerate(questions):
        print(f"Question {i + 1}:")
        score += ask_question(question)
    print(f"Your total score is: {score}/{len(questions)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. Define Questions and Answers: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a question-answer pair.

  2. Function to Ask Questions:

    • The ask_question function takes a question dictionary as input.
    • It prompts the user to answer the question.
    • It checks if the user's answer matches the correct answer (case-insensitive).
    • It returns 1 for a correct answer and 0 for a wrong answer.
  3. Main Function:

    • Initializes the score to 0.
    • Iterates over the list of questions.
    • For each question, it calls the ask_question function and adds the result to the score.
    • Finally, it prints the total score.

This code will follow the logic in your flowchart by asking a question, checking the answer, updating the score, and proceeding to the next question until all questions are asked.

ackermanmoriii commented 2 weeks ago

Here's a flowchart representing the given Python code for the quiz game. This flowchart outlines the process of initializing the questions, asking each question, checking the user's answer, updating the score, and displaying the final score.

Flowchart for Python Quiz Code

flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B[Define List of Questions]
    B --> C[Run Quiz Function]
    C --> D[Initialize Score to 0]
    D --> E[For Each Question]
    E --> F[Call ask_question with Current Question]

    F --> G{User's Answer}

    G --> H[Check if Answer is Correct]
    H --> I[Correct Answer: Print "Correct!"]
    H --> J[Wrong Answer: Print "Wrong Answer."]

    I --> K[Return 1 Point]
    J --> L[Return 0 Points]

    K --> M[Add Points to Score]
    L --> M

    M --> N[End of Questions?]
    N -->|Yes| O[Print Total Score]
    N -->|No| E

    O --> P[End]

    subgraph Ask Question
        F --> G
        G --> H
        H --> I
        H --> J
        I --> K
        J --> L

Explanation of the Flowchart:

  1. Start:

    • The process begins by defining a list of questions.
  2. Run Quiz Function:

    • The run_quiz function is called, which starts the quiz.
  3. Initialize Score:

    • Inside run_quiz, the score is initialized to 0.
  4. For Each Question:

    • The code loops through each question in the list.
  5. Call ask_question:

    • The ask_question function is called for each question, passing the current question as an argument.
  6. Ask Question:

    • Inside ask_question, the question is asked to the user, and their answer is taken as input.
  7. Check Answer:

    • The user's answer is checked against the correct answer.
    • If the answer is correct, "Correct!" is printed and 1 point is returned.
    • If the answer is incorrect, "Wrong answer." is printed and 0 points are returned.
  8. Update Score:

    • The points returned from ask_question are added to the total score.
  9. End of Questions:

    • After all questions are asked, the loop ends.
  10. Print Total Score:

    • The total score is printed, showing how many questions were answered correctly out of the total number.
  11. End:

    • The quiz ends.

This flowchart visually represents the step-by-step process that the Python code follows to execute the quiz game.