ackleyd1 / mi449-html-semantic-elements

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Project Feedback #1

Open ackleyd1 opened 7 years ago

ackleyd1 commented 7 years ago

@chrisvfritz Can you take a look at this? It's hosted here and meets the following criteria:

I liked the recipe project idea so i tried that

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

Well, now I'm hungry. 😛

I only see one area for improvement:

Element attributes with empty values

The values of HTML attributes should never actually be empty. There are some attributes like disabled that don't have values at all, but for empty quotes like this:

<img src="cheesypotatoes.jpg" alt="">
<aside class="">

The attributes should either be removed completely or a value should be provided. For example, the alt attribute is actually required on img elements, so would fill this one in with something like Cheesy potatoes. For the aside above, I'd just remove the class attribute altogether.

ackleyd1 commented 7 years ago

Haha i was trying to think of random rating scales, the calvin and hobbes was intentional but the others were just me trying to think of random combinations of words. I also thought itd be pretty cool if a chimpanzee could be your taxi driver hahhah :)

Should be fixed 👍

chrisvfritz commented 7 years ago

Looks great! :shipit: