ackwell / BrowserHost

Dalamud plugin for in-game browser rendering. Think OverlayPlugin, but it's in the game itself.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
9 stars 12 forks source link

[question] URLs with "file://" don't seem to be working. #13

Open vaoan opened 3 years ago

vaoan commented 3 years ago

Hello. I've been trying to use browser host as a way to get rid of annoying ACT web browsers as I use multiple screens and moving them everywhere with the game is annoying. I would like to use browser host as an answer to have the callouts from other plugins in the game's window and continue positioned and scale as the resolution I'm using (which the plugin already does)

Right now my parser is working just fine by using the following URL:

But if I try using other types of URLs like the following: file://D:/Dropbox/Games/FINAL%20FANTASY%20XIV/ACT/OverlayPlugin/cactbot/ui/oopsyraidsy/oopsyraidsy.html?OVERLAY_WS=ws:// The browser host doesn't seem to update but there are no errors in the console (I opened the dev tools to check already and it loads fine but seems the data doesn't travel)

I'm guessing it has something to do with not being in a host but a local file and the chrome build used in this plugin don't recognize continuing reading data from the localhost.

Is there a solution for this? Or is there a workaround for it?

NyoroRhaeven commented 3 years ago

I was having the same problem with cactbot timers not showing so I opened the devtool in browser host and noticed a line that said "[Deprecation] CSS cannot be loaded from file: URLs unless they end in a .css file extension". Seems that the plugins won't work because they are html files and not css? There is a raidboss.css as well as html, but setting that as an overlay just shows a text display of that file...

hidingfromu commented 2 years ago

Did anybody find a solution to this problem? Really would like cactbot inside the browerhost.