aclap-dev / jocly

Javascript library and tools to provide user interface (2D, 3D, VR) and engine for playing board games
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Popout: Clicking on bottom most row. #18

Open raman22feb1988 opened 7 years ago

raman22feb1988 commented 7 years ago

Clicking on bottom most row in Popout does not seem to insert a piece for the first time if that column is empty for insertion, whereas it should. Other people and I click on square wherever new piece is going to be inserted in bullet and blitz games at all, for an example only just simply. For a piece to be inserted into that column, we have to click upon any squares above it. Although it can remove a piece already inserted.

I think that this problem is only relevant to 2D board which other people and I mostly use in order to avoid confusion. Not 3D board at all.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

As far as i remember, it was implemented that way: the bottom row clicking area is used exclusively to remove the lowest piece, the rows above to insert new pieces. I keep this issue open because there are certainly ways to improve the UI regarding this, but it's important for anyone looking at this issue to known that there is no bug to fix, only improvements to be made.

raman22feb1988 commented 7 years ago

In Popout, while removing a piece, can only the bottom most piece can be removed in from a specific column and all other pieces on top of it slide one step down? Can the upper pieces also not be able to be removed in from a specific column and all other pieces on top of it slide one step down?

If so, it will not be the case that the bottom most row clicking area is used exclusively to remove the lowest piece, the rows above to insert new pieces. Any square if it is empty can be able to be used to insert new pieces and any square that is occupied by some piece only can be able to be used to remove that specific piece only.

By using the way, I think that, in the popout game rules page, it is mentioned nothing about that at all clearly only just simply, just giving a one line rule about popout variant simply of four in a row game rules stating that it is a variant of four in a row game rules with removals (whatever rules of removals are in place, whatever rules of removals are in effect).

Likewise, that, if we click upon a square which is occupied by using a piece that which is not at the bottom most row in order to remove in the piece from a specific column and all other pieces on top of it slide a one step down, it will end up in a new piece being inserted at the top of that specific column?

mi-g commented 7 years ago

It's only the lowest piece, if it belongs to the player, that can be removed. The rules have been taken from wikipedia.

raman22feb1988 commented 7 years ago

The rules have been taken from wikipedia.

Okay. I see. So, it is the lowest piece, only if it belongs to the player, that can be removed. Thank you for clarifying about it up. (Only at all just simply).

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Note that all Jocly games come with their rules as a HTML document (it's a requirement for packaging a game in Jocly). These are the rules that are supposed to be followed by the game implementation.

raman22feb1988 commented 6 years ago

As mi-g has said, I agree with him that there is no bug over here by, but anyone looking at this issue should consider improving into the user interface that the bottom most row can be used for inserting a piece whenever it is empty or if it is occupied by using opponent's piece.