aclap-dev / jocly

Javascript library and tools to provide user interface (2D, 3D, VR) and engine for playing board games
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Terachess #3

Closed jcfrog closed 7 years ago

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

Adding Terachess, includes a 10 pieces upgrade of Fairy set.

leytilera commented 7 years ago

how i can play this? it is really confusing

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

this is just the code of the game on my fork, we will probably do what is needed in the beginning of next week to make it available on a playable page.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

I just tested terachess in virtual reality. Just ... wowww !

I see just a small issue. The abbrev field for Pawns should be an empty string like in other chess variants and not "P", so a first move should be written as "1. i4-i6" instead of "1. Pi4-i6".

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

ok! Just did it. So pawns now have empty abbrev, but I added a P fenAbbrev like in other games: abbrev : '', fenAbbrev: 'P',

But what am I supposed to do now? :) I was about to send another PR for Gigachess which is now available. Do you Pull everything in one go?

mi-g commented 7 years ago

I believe merging the Pull Request is applied from your entire branch. Are we ok, you committed all the recent changes and pushed then to your fork branch on github ? If so, i will merge the PR.

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

@mi-g yes, everything is pushed on my fork for terachess and gigachess

mi-g commented 7 years ago

After the merge, Jocly runs smoothly both Terachess and Gigachess on my side. Well done !

leytilera commented 7 years ago

@mi-g i thought your page is jocly but i cant fint terachess on jocly.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

You can run terachess as a Jocly browser example from here. Source code is here (look for terachess*.* files).

leytilera commented 7 years ago

the jocly browser dont works

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Did you try clearing your browser cache ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago


mi-g commented 7 years ago

What does

the jocly browser dont works

mean exactly ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

the table with the buttons is there but where the board should be is a whitescreen

mi-g commented 7 years ago

What browser are you using ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago


mi-g commented 7 years ago

from the same browser, are you able to run 3D games from ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago


mi-g commented 7 years ago

can you check the browser console while loading the terachess example ? do you see any suspicious message ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

THREE.WebGLRenderer 84 three.js:3 THREE.WebGLRenderer: Error creating WebGL context. ce @ three.js:3 p @ jocly-xdview.js:19 View.Game.InitView @ jocly-xdview.js:20 JocGame.GameInitView @ (anonymous) @ jocly.embed.js:1 jocly.embed.js:1 Embed error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getExtension' of null at Object.get (three.js:3) at new ce (three.js:3) at p (jocly-xdview.js:19) at i.View.Game.InitView (jocly-xdview.js:20) at i.JocGame.GameInitView ( at jocly.embed.js:1 at a @ jocly.embed.js:1 jocly.core.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot read property 'getExtension' of null at a (jocly.core.js:1)

mi-g commented 7 years ago

That's weird if it still works on Can you close the tab you were in and create another one on the page.

leytilera commented 7 years ago

than comes the same problem

leytilera commented 7 years ago

i tested it also with edge, firefox and opera but there comes the same errors

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Is the problem specific to terachess, can you run a regular chess version ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

the problem is on every variant

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Are you able to run joclyboard on the same computer ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago


jcfrog commented 7 years ago

hi, did you start a local web server?

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Really strange, joclyboard is running the same Jocly code, in a Chromium browser. Do you mean you can run joclyboard right now on your PC ? I was thinking of a GL resource exhaustion currently on your computer. It might be worth restarting the PC.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

@jcfrog: he is running directly from the github server. Can you try the same link on your side ?

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

the pages given by @mi-g work fine here

leytilera commented 7 years ago

when i try it on my webserver there is only the "jocly on github" and the "other jocly games" buttons but i cant click them

mi-g commented 7 years ago

@MineProjectZ: do we agree you run your server from the root Jocly directory and point the browser to http://localhost/examples/browser/control.html ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

no it is this:

mi-g commented 7 years ago

It looks like you did not build Jocly. You must run gulp build from the root Jocly directory as specified in the README

leytilera commented 7 years ago

oh, that i dont have seen

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Anyway, i don't see how it would make a difference from what you get from the github servers. Did you try restarting your PC ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

no, i try it now

leytilera commented 7 years ago

after the restart the problem is still there

mi-g commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry, i don't see what the problem can be, given that it works for you on and joclyboard. I will release a new version of JoclyBoard that includes terachess, it will be worth giving a try.

leytilera commented 7 years ago

thank you

jcfrog commented 7 years ago

what's your node version? I had problems with v8. v7 seems better.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

The latest version of JoclyBoard (0.9.12 available from here) includes TeraChess, GigaChess and Wild Tamerlane. Can you give it a try ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

yes, jocly board works good. i also testet the control.html with node v7 but there is also the problem. i think the problem is in the /dist/browser/jocly.core.js in line 290. i testet the control.html on other divices. on every device that not has windows 10 it works but on every windows 10 device i have the same error.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Damned. I just gave it a try again and the control.html page worked fine for me on Windows 10 with both Firefox and Chrome. It does not work with Edge though. It could be a hardware driver issue, but the strange thing is that it works for you with JoclyBoard, i.e running the same code in a Chromium browser. Does this demo work for you ? It uses the same 3D library as Jocly.

leytilera commented 7 years ago

no, there comes this message: Your graphics card does not seem to support WebGL. Find out how to get it here.

mi-g commented 7 years ago

That's interesting. Can you follow the Find out how to get it here link to see if it gives some clues ?

leytilera commented 7 years ago

it opens a whitescreen

mi-g commented 7 years ago

Do we agree you get this problem on both Firefox and Chrome (recent versions) ? Could you give it a try using the Chromium browser ? Chromium is the open-source base of Chrome. This is the browser used to run JoclyBoard.

leytilera commented 7 years ago

i try it