acmeair / acmeair-nodejs

A Node.js implementation of the Acme Air Sample Application. With datastore support of MongoDB, Cloudant, Cassandra. With runtime support of Bluemix/CloudFoundry, Docker... With Micro-Services.
Apache License 2.0
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Non HTTP response code error #16

Open uttampawar opened 7 years ago

uttampawar commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to run and test AcmeAir-node code from command line. I've followed all the steps to setup jmeter (loaded the database, etc.), but when I start jmeter as following, I get following error,

$ JVM_ARGS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 -XX:NewRatio=2" jmeter -J -J -J -DusePureIDs=true -n -t document/workload/jmeter/AcmeAir.jmx

com.acmeair.jmeter.functions.ExtractFlightsInfoFunction FlightsContext is null. This should not be null. FlightsContext should be created by FlightsPostProcessor. FlightsPostProcessor - Last sample received an error. Response Code = Non HTTP response code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. FlightsPostProcessor - Last sample received an error. Response Code = Non HTTP response code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. FlightsPostProcessor - Last sample received an error. Response Code = Non HTTP response code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. FlightsPostProcessor - Last sample received an error. Response Code = Non HTTP response code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. FlightsPostProcessor - Last sample received an error. Response Code = Non HTTP response code: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. com.acmeair.jmeter.functions.ExtractFlightsInfoFunction FlightsContext is null. This should not be null. FlightsContext should be created by FlightsPostProcessor.

Kadle11 commented 4 years ago

Any Fix to this?

lucshi commented 2 years ago

same issue here. Seems nobody fixed that.