acmerobotics / road-runner

Wheeled mobile robot motion planning library designed for FTC
MIT License
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Attempt to fix angle error calculations #64

Closed AJahueyM closed 3 years ago

AJahueyM commented 3 years ago


We have been using your library for our robot! We have really liked it. We are using a tank chassis and found out an error with the Ramsete Follower, it only appeared when we started from 0,0 and went into some target with negative Y coordinate.

Making a custom Ramsete follower that does the following when caluclating the error solved the issue:

    var angleError = targetPose.heading - currentPose.heading

    if(angleError.absoluteValue > PI){
        angleError -= 2 * PI * angleError.sign

    val error = Pose2d(targetPose.x - currentPose.x, targetPose.y - currentPose.y, angleError)

I looked into the implementation of the minus operation for the Pose2d and saw that it simply substracts one angle from the other. Maybe implementing something like we showed could fix it?

rbrott commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the issue and fix. I decided to a different route with the fix that preserves the current pose subtraction semantics. I made the early misstep of co-opting Pose2d for pose velocities, accelerations, differences, and other quantities which means standard operations treat it as a 3-vector.