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Puzzled...keytool #1594

Open eyebank opened 6 years ago

eyebank commented 6 years ago

The output from the cert request is as follows: Your cert is in: / Your cert key is in: / The intermediate CA cert is in: /ca.cer And the full chain certs is in: /fullchain.cer

I'm being asked to: 1) Use the following command to import the root certificate file: keytool -import -alias root -trustcacerts -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -file CertificateAuthorityCert.der

2) Use the following command to import the SSL certificate file that you received from the certificate authority: keytool -import -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore .keystore -file certificate_name.cer

The Questions are from this list: Your cert is in: / Your cert key is in: / The intermediate CA cert is in: /ca.cer And the full chain certs is in: /fullchain.cer

1) which is the root certificate 2) which is the SSL certficate 3) what do I do with the other files.

Thank you

Steps to reproduce

Debug log  --issue .....   --debug 2
rdebath commented 6 years ago

The CA root certificate should already be in your trusted certificate store because it's a public CA. The certificate for your second keytool command is "Your cert".

The fact that you're being asked to import a root certificate implies that the instructions you have are for a, local, private CA. But if for some reason you can't use the normal method that CA keys are available it

I also assume these instructions are incomplete as you must do something with the key.