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A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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使用dns alias模式某些域名无法签发通配符证书 #1853

Open yangkaisen opened 5 years ago

yangkaisen commented 5 years ago

DNS alias模式中的验证域名解析在阿里云上,通过阿里云的dnsApi进行操作的。目前遇到的问题是某些dns解析服务商无法签发域名,日志中的域名解析在华夏名网,之前签发中西部数码上解析也有问题(更新域名解析到dnspod后就可以签发了)

--debug 2日志(日志中AccessKeyId的值被替换了)

[tomcat@HK-KWSCL-2]$ /home/tomcat/ --issue --challenge-alias --dns dns_ali -d -d * --debug 2
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] Lets find script dir.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _SCRIPT_='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _script='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _script_home='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] Using config home:/home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] LE_WORKING_DIR='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _main_domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _alt_domains='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] Using config home:/home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] ACME_DIRECTORY=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _ACME_SERVER_HOST=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] DOMAIN_PATH='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'dns'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] Using ACME_DIRECTORY:
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _init api for server:
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.VLlYaOETu1  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:19 CST 2018] response='{
  "keyChange": "",
  "meta": {
    "caaIdentities": [
    "termsOfService": "",
    "website": ""
  "nPaSQBYyod8": "",
  "newAccount": "",
  "newNonce": "",
  "newOrder": "",
  "revokeCert": ""
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_KEY_CHANGE=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_AUTHZ
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_ORDER=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_ACCOUNT=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_REVOKE_CERT=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_AGREEMENT=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_NONCE=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] ACME_VERSION='2'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Le_NextRenewTime
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _on_before_issue
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _chk_main_domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _chk_alt_domains='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'no'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Le_LocalAddress
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Check for domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Check for domain='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] d
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'apache'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _saved_account_key_hash='yt8G2qLcwaj4jrxUEqijmci8//4ck1Fuw9v8Q0mg1c0='
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _saved_account_key_hash is not changed, skip register account.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Read key length:
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _createcsr
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] domainlist='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] csrkey='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] csr='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] csrconf='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _is_idn_d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _idn_temp
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] domainlist='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Multi domain=',DNS:*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _is_idn_d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _idn_temp
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _csr_cn=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] d
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _identifiers='{"type":"dns","value":""},{"type":"dns","value":"*"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] payload='{"identifiers": [{"type":"dns","value":""},{"type":"dns","value":"*"}]}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] RSA key
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Get nonce. ACME_NEW_NONCE=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] HEAD
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _post_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] body
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _headers='HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server: nginx
Replay-Nonce: 3IhIFGxao7MB_-umH8LcakqwWlC1_IGZ-1MhVWUIsfA
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:25:20 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:25:20 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _CACHED_NONCE='3IhIFGxao7MB_-umH8LcakqwWlC1_IGZ-1MhVWUIsfA'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] nonce='3IhIFGxao7MB_-umH8LcakqwWlC1_IGZ-1MhVWUIsfA'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] POST
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _post_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICIzSWhJRkd4YW83TUJfLXVtSDhMY2FrcXdXbEMxX0lHWi0xTWhWV1VJc2ZBIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9uZXctb3JkZXIiLCAiYWxnIjogIlJTMjU2IiwgImtpZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9hY2N0LzM5ODM2MTcwIn0", "payload": "eyJpZGVudGlmaWVycyI6IFt7InR5cGUiOiJkbnMiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImZyZWVkb20tZ2lmdHMuY29tIn0seyJ0eXBlIjoiZG5zIiwidmFsdWUiOiIqLmZyZWVkb20tZ2lmdHMuY29tIn1dfQ", "signature": "X9omcwlcgzEzbd8dzYA_rYLpNKTFN6MolyGeX1UORTrRKR0sn-PaQ1Xsz6kEKQUj8CKZvkV-mVrOFDMS8QxiQykoIig4ldF993xKZh7rg7TFKClyP_tpLhSt4cZUgcEEMHwm7ae8eCRx7ZTCTRNXYvdD5PeQyHdB4SvN6DbW3u691Bpm5x8ZQYHB9MTMzoOmlmBT6MWaKaCyPncMj_k12FceIwmJ-vOmBCuABOxUWYjz9rOKyWgzciwA0zW1t5niU9-o_JyIxIyUVwGiM5Z7neC-6nqaSLZH7zXkiGW1BZTa9e8k4fnhZmrcQ99PdHsaRBmvuISMcRxQkL6dIRev-Q"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:20 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] original='{
  "status": "pending",
  "expires": "2018-09-28T09:25:20.970144778Z",
  "identifiers": [
      "type": "dns",
      "value": "*"
      "type": "dns",
      "value": ""
  "authorizations": [
  "finalize": ""
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 545
Boulder-Requester: 39836170
Replay-Nonce: Je00IEkR_V2eMkBbkJvlZjxtO8udSk_PLLlYH82EMfE
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:25:21 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:25:21 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] response='{"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20.970144778Z","identifiers":[{"type":"dns","value":"*"},{"type":"dns","value":""}],"authorizations":["",""],"finalize":""}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] code='201'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] Le_OrderFinalize=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _authorizations_seg=','
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _authz_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"}],"wildcard": true}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _authz_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"EYU9gPy0WoGst8Vsi6aZltY8c9qoTKPhLTxHFOjq-5U"},{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"z0rmrgSnT1s3lZAn16UTFJL57dVefE2dlDbO_sQbAf8"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"}]}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _authorizations_map=',{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"EYU9gPy0WoGst8Vsi6aZltY8c9qoTKPhLTxHFOjq-5U"},{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"z0rmrgSnT1s3lZAn16UTFJL57dVefE2dlDbO_sQbAf8"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"}]}
*,{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"}],"wildcard": true}
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] Getting webroot for domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _w='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"EYU9gPy0WoGst8Vsi6aZltY8c9qoTKPhLTxHFOjq-5U"},{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"z0rmrgSnT1s3lZAn16UTFJL57dVefE2dlDbO_sQbAf8"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"}]}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] entry='"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] token='Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] uri=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] keyauthorization='Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] dvlist=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] Getting webroot for domain='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _w='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-09-28T09:25:20Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"}],"wildcard": true}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] entry='"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] token='-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] uri=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] keyauthorization='-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] dvlist='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] d
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:21 CST 2018] vlist=',*,'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] _d_alias=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] txtdomain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] txt='mzoA3hI-Pt3DraHC1V4iXqgPj6kCX8kr_RBmkVjP8qY'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] Found domain api file: /home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] First detect the root zone
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:22 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":1,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"2278D3ED-5899-4EE0-8917-C6A8D69A522C","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] _domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] Add record
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:23 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4074486979642368","RequestId":"53C29BF9-FE81-42EE-93F3-5CA3659A13C7"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] d='*'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] _d_alias=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] txtdomain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] txt='FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] Found domain api file: /home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:24 CST 2018] First detect the root zone
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":2,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"A717AD1F-EC53-4B72-880C-29C55814FCE9","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"mzoA3hI-Pt3DraHC1V4iXqgPj6kCX8kr_RBmkVjP8qY","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074486979642368","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] _domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:25 CST 2018] Add record
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4074487020689408","RequestId":"D000B77A-3DE0-41C6-BEB1-7662E45F3EE5"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:25:26 CST 2018] Sleep 120 seconds for the txt records to take effect
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] ok, let's start to verify
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018]
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] d=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] keyauthorization='Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] uri=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] tigger domain validation.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _t_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='Je00IEkR_V2eMkBbkJvlZjxtO8udSk_PLLlYH82EMfE'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] nonce='Je00IEkR_V2eMkBbkJvlZjxtO8udSk_PLLlYH82EMfE'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] POST
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _post_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJKZTAwSUVrUl9WMmVNa0Jia0p2bFpqeHRPOHVkU2tfUExMbFlIODJFTWZFIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UveWtUcEVmb3ZjUERlUW9JOVZsWndMV3NfTVYwWUZwT1pSU2NKWTJkNjBUWS83NTQwMjk5OTI5IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zOTgzNjE3MCJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIkxzM1VQUHRfUWEwTGZSWXVENTJrMHY4ZGlwb2Q3bWo4WmxjbW10NUlzRmMuWk9GbUNWZlVNaEU2UGtSRk03NzhxNkVQeXVLdTRfUXItaHRfaUdQenFNYyJ9", "signature": "VS11sO2_2tBauJvM5EzhfwA4Rjy0y3Np-P62uegLlyLsCMCGj6H-6_x2W5sDTFYICK1fdRQTprM6ya4BkODLA4n3HvXT50O6-1KYA9c7SGqIDBQZc_jgXGgzrtYWB3OtAeottILCD1lndgxA3GFJO7gPJuxs3BG4BGC4ojNM-9IN8SndQKDgyyoVlgmRmS_PMpBJQT_j1Rx8pQe-S8udXjASo5AMN1YJ5JUckHcolhkl4hw4yZnlXIgleV7MLTNyDrKObts0K1sXeA900LVOEJS5zHeJ1HdBpLqzrRo5HNXuCfAw2kCyIF-F7CZtDSz7XFjq6IsGi2qLpctnVsyQbA"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] _ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] original='{
  "type": "dns-01",
  "status": "pending",
  "url": "",
  "token": "Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 222
Boulder-Requester: 39836170
Link: <>;rel="up"
Replay-Nonce: sEl3OJVU6RPs9TUvHZ3kub_NzSDflDcJcMPlVXCiY94
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:28 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:28 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] code='200'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] trigger validation code: 200
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:28 CST 2018] sleep 2 secs to verify
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] checking
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:30 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] original='{
  "type": "dns-01",
  "status": "invalid",
  "error": {
    "type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized",
    "detail": "No TXT record found at",
    "status": 403
  "url": "",
  "token": "Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"invalid","error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"No TXT record found at","status": 403},"url":"","token":"Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] error='"error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"No TXT record found at","status": 403'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] errordetail='No TXT record found at'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] error:No TXT record found at
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] Skip for removelevel:
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] pid
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] No need to restore nginx, skip.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] _clearupdns
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] Removing DNS records.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] txt='mzoA3hI-Pt3DraHC1V4iXqgPj6kCX8kr_RBmkVjP8qY'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] _d_alias=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] First detect the root zone
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:31 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":3,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"CD82205F-217B-442C-8C9B-25B637119B82","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074487020689408","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"mzoA3hI-Pt3DraHC1V4iXqgPj6kCX8kr_RBmkVjP8qY","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074486979642368","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] _domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:32 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":3,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"ED953665-3E2A-47FD-AA9B-73940A5E332A","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074487020689408","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"mzoA3hI-Pt3DraHC1V4iXqgPj6kCX8kr_RBmkVjP8qY","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074486979642368","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] record_id='4074486979642368'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:33 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4074486979642368","RequestId":"B69C372A-D4C5-43C2-A6B7-7CDCE42E6603"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] txt='FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] _d_alias=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:34 CST 2018] First detect the root zone
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":2,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"E789F983-D94F-455E-BFE1-C04FD861D7C6","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074487020689408","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:35 CST 2018] _domain=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":2,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"83E6E5A4-8A23-49EC-AA84-13B98DE6CF2D","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"FUKwDyZuBLvqI90YkRL2dbUoTEhVAkCyC3fthmY3Ja4","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4074487020689408","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"-i7rIFe9jGOAoL12Q5N8Mijwe7hSvUplkho6uTSweeM","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4049955321775104","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:36 CST 2018] record_id='4074487020689408'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] GET
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] timeout=
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4074487020689408","RequestId":"5403B658-14C1-426E-9569-1F1C18ACDE31"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _on_issue_err
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] Please check log file for more details: 2
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _chk_vlist=',*,'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] start to deactivate authz
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] tigger domain validation.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _t_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "Ls3UPPt_Qa0LfRYuD52k0v8dipod7mj8Zlcmmt5IsFc.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='sEl3OJVU6RPs9TUvHZ3kub_NzSDflDcJcMPlVXCiY94'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] nonce='sEl3OJVU6RPs9TUvHZ3kub_NzSDflDcJcMPlVXCiY94'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] POST
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _post_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJzRWwzT0pWVTZSUHM5VFV2SFoza3ViX056U0RmbERjSmNNUGxWWENpWTk0IiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UveWtUcEVmb3ZjUERlUW9JOVZsWndMV3NfTVYwWUZwT1pSU2NKWTJkNjBUWS83NTQwMjk5OTI5IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zOTgzNjE3MCJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIkxzM1VQUHRfUWEwTGZSWXVENTJrMHY4ZGlwb2Q3bWo4WmxjbW10NUlzRmMuWk9GbUNWZlVNaEU2UGtSRk03NzhxNkVQeXVLdTRfUXItaHRfaUdQenFNYyJ9", "signature": "DRBE2JFeDPLUWB8NhsfHWDVCoVfByYeOhqKBfz2y9m2gO5S-RrlwwjWnDbOAHRiwJuan1kAlccIQy76nqPXq45pF7O1nhicSJW6A4dJKEJQfDKDguTOIRefjQ2E3KgcSTiyMKdFWoNbE3AUcbIRSFWxMlIPOJMcKCAWegQibWnp0mxZh1BlSMgIYPlt8iM9iMD0j6Jl6-eTf9Xxjkordu1Of2hoHXIhaP7mWHzoEHfGgq4_aetESNjzp8ZL7qB7K9mH7qaRDhFIRsiSkBU1N4AJmDtJpn6cLQ2sC-CJPMc_L1NCcI0HVEk377_htF-LhYUYUuWuGQH7d8w_DcFcmCA"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:37 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] original='{
  "type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed",
  "detail": "Unable to update challenge :: The challenge is not pending.",
  "status": 400
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/problem+json
Content-Length: 144
Boulder-Requester: 39836170
Replay-Nonce: fhtnW7Dg5hJaU9PCLvxiOIMJNvs2Nadw9eZ3snSj4kI
Expires: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:38 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:38 GMT
Connection: close
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] response='{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Unable to update challenge :: The challenge is not pending.","status": 400}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] code='400'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] tigger domain validation.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _t_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA.ZOFmCVfUMhE6PkRFM778q6EPyuKu4_Qr-ht_iGPzqMc"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='fhtnW7Dg5hJaU9PCLvxiOIMJNvs2Nadw9eZ3snSj4kI'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] nonce='fhtnW7Dg5hJaU9PCLvxiOIMJNvs2Nadw9eZ3snSj4kI'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] POST
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _post_url=''
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJmaHRuVzdEZzVoSmFVOVBDTHZ4aU9JTUpOdnMyTmFkdzllWjNzblNqNGtJIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UvQUNoRmV0UEc2S2VyMTRWcHJKamljUW4tajBGc25LR2oyNzVmcEZUTEh6by83NTQwMjk5OTIzIiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zOTgzNjE3MCJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIi1mSndNc1duLVBhWVF1bG1FcTd6MXRKRzR5X3NONGY3VnNSMkZfQThOeEEuWk9GbUNWZlVNaEU2UGtSRk03NzhxNkVQeXVLdTRfUXItaHRfaUdQenFNYyJ9", "signature": "Z2plekVRlqrXCGW2Vg2eb3hmdyLpiKPv6QqryeAOKvFFqQ6yu_4nyoKQ6j5h_qeERjk5HQvGaJVb0y_ld54FPIPjtGqNG7x00rURPEJTcJsKawS7Ze4nJgFyJ89IC3oMy38-xWZnIAtpXPJz3Yug67mK0E6pIQsV5pr7UHQ-DBnnfIdL_Q22FV6_Q7HVle_Tem0fpHiYD7fl1NM2gCqAe0jeh_xza5WIHamKQrGe88c8mAEjVowfkdFW1yL9BsV_Mf2poMFGkJ2LmLuca21JBMZIaGZURCT4h-LIdeyEweGO4EwjokjH3LTft2aQAVV2hiFYwxvmsXsgQJEB71SNBw"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] Http already initialized.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.OYhsZHcmnx  -g '
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] _ret='0'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] original='{
  "type": "dns-01",
  "status": "pending",
  "url": "",
  "token": "-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 222
Boulder-Requester: 39836170
Link: <>;rel="up"
Replay-Nonce: IndLhwZOXEfeb0d1iPojJGsEhhoB-eASg25elYpyjsg
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:38 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 09:27:38 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"-fJwMsWn-PaYQulmEq7z1tJG4y_sN4f7VsR2F_A8NxA"}'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] code='200'
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] socat doesn't exists.
[Fri Sep 21 17:27:38 CST 2018] Diagnosis versions: 
OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
apache doesn't exists.
nginx doesn't exists.
Neilpang commented 5 years ago

看样子是 西部数码 的cname 解析不标准.

yangkaisen commented 5 years ago

目前这个域名解析在 华夏名网,之前遇到多的是 西部数码 的,这个还能有什么解决办法,某些原因解析不是太好更换。感谢您抽空回复!!

yangkaisen commented 5 years ago

这个是 西部数码 的debug日志(后来将解析切换到阿里云上签发好了)

[Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] response='{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Unable to update challenge :: The challenge is not pending.","status": 400}' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] code='400' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] tigger domain validation. [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] _t_url='' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='3vJeqFFgOwaRA3eRXxM8Envn2A9RPsaGwKFZ-ZFEWiQ.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "3vJeqFFgOwaRA3eRXxM8Envn2A9RPsaGwKFZ-ZFEWiQ.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY"}' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='oT2dcqCg9uHG1rX83jvPsTTpfnK4gOvHtbd001ZPZt8' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] nonce='oT2dcqCg9uHG1rX83jvPsTTpfnK4gOvHtbd001ZPZt8' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] POST [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJvVDJkY3FDZzl1SEcxclg4M2p2UHNUVHBmbks0Z092SHRiZDAwMVpQWnQ4IiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2Uvd0c4ekNOZnJ0Y2IxdDhEdWkyS2E5V0gwaUstYW90dEc1eGhtc0dXV3BrUS82NzI2MjIxOTk4IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zODM0OTQwNyJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIjN2SmVxRkZnT3dhUkEzZVJYeE04RW52bjJBOVJQc2FHd0tGWi1aRkVXaVEuWklwY2Z6ekthalAxWXhhd1ZQeDE5NHc5MzAyY3J6TWQzT3ZkZllYS3VxWSJ9", "signature": "KQFkB89sqs5OsprtgLfnXsUrvOMNsF2wdJ5_tXwwY-pr-yaJZWzzfJXLgHJRYtvDOiU8NBtnVMYxyTkbHinKkefpOPQnmie2-liSr7Wvj2XqUJCUbCaOwdmkOewl1GmiX2WfBY0GEFbXMvn5R24CfN7DhJ7vIxQI-OMHfQkNWHZOeOaMri6bj652Zxdsz3C9MVIOrEBN0BJ2S3SNUQoOKbxy8mCDS2dzwfOPn5Q6MKTPJhwzuHtY5XYk1nFVtWk6Bj2-Y8gpfAMw8pjxwc7A9efBOBqqcflVDFyXQ39W7JB228wmDvT7UFwhdcx5GseD-pF4tNvoAJGPBVuEZ33Q"}' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 10:58:25 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:26 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:26 CST 2018] original='{ "type": "dns-01", "status": "pending", "url": "", "token": "3vJeqFFgOwaRA3eRXxM8Envn2A9RPsaGwKFZ-ZFEWiQ" }' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:26 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 222 Boulder-Requester: 38349407 Link:;rel="up" Location: Replay-Nonce: nShmBxRX2X56tnlOLkvtX39si8pFZjM59kZ-6gV2LD8 X-Frame-Options: DENY Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800 Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 02:58:26 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 02:58:26 GMT Connection: keep-alive

' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:26 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"3vJeqFFgOwaRA3eRXxM8Envn2A9RPsaGwKFZ-ZFEWiQ"}' [Fri Aug 24 10:58:26 CST 2018] code='200' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] LE_WORKING_DIR='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _main_domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _alt_domains='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Using config home:/home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_DIRECTORY='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _ACME_SERVER_HOST='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] DOMAIN_PATH='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'dns' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Using ACME_DIRECTORY: [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _init api for server: [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] response='{ "ATImMy4e-Oc": "", "keyChange": "", "meta": { "caaIdentities": [ "" ], "termsOfService": "", "website": "" }, "newAccount": "", "newNonce": "", "newOrder": "", "revokeCert": "" }' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_KEY_CHANGE='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_AUTHZ [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_ORDER='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_ACCOUNT='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_REVOKE_CERT='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_AGREEMENT='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_NEW_NONCE='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] ACME_VERSION='2' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Le_NextRenewTime [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _on_before_issue [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _chk_main_domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _chk_alt_domains='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'no' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Le_LocalAddress [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Check for domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Check for domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] d [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] 'dns_ali' does not contain 'apache' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _saved_account_key_hash='hM0Xdso65kSX+K9e4ZjRJDVf3NXIWf/LEzmKOtRTQhs=' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _saved_account_key_hash is not changed, skip register account. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Read key length: [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _createcsr [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] domainlist='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] csrkey='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] csr='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] csrconf='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _is_idn_d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _idn_temp [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] domainlist='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Multi domain=',' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _is_idn_d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _idn_temp [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _csr_cn='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] d [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _identifiers='{"type":"dns","value":""},{"type":"dns","value":""}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] payload='{"identifiers": [{"type":"dns","value":""},{"type":"dns","value":"*"}]}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] RSA key [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] Get nonce. ACME_NEW_NONCE='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] HEAD [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] body [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:08 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _headers='HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Server: nginx Replay-Nonce: yqR07EFPl4ikRR56k1iFm6JkUoMNIv1MmYtjIBfSUho X-Frame-Options: DENY Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800 Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:03:09 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:03:09 GMT Connection: keep-alive

' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _CACHED_NONCE='yqR07EFPl4ikRR56k1iFm6JkUoMNIv1MmYtjIBfSUho' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] nonce='yqR07EFPl4ikRR56k1iFm6JkUoMNIv1MmYtjIBfSUho' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] POST [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJ5cVIwN0VGUGw0aWtSUjU2azFpRm02SmtVb01OSXYxTW1ZdGpJQmZTVWhvIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9uZXctb3JkZXIiLCAiYWxnIjogIlJTMjU2IiwgImtpZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9hY2N0LzM4MzQ5NDA3In0", "payload": "eyJpZGVudGlmaWVycyI6IFt7InR5cGUiOiJkbnMiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImJvc2hpLXNhZmV0eS5jb20ifSx7InR5cGUiOiJkbnMiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IiouYm9zaGktc2FmZXR5LmNvbSJ9XX0", "signature": "uFo-rKevO1uBts3gmBnoKWLqnbLb-S7a01B8iOoVEmnBYPktOhXI2vP5fFBMlALhuCPhROEkvA8TMMVcjoOqVdfGCBqGMGnKm15l4v7sU-J-bemShVYmJCOgDBaEoMK-xwnvrjAQNSoRrF9B2Jpn8NtpEQgBNe8nUndvXSp8PJKmbjDH2-T9pR3ZOt-pwhsCBjtzwQZbykPlQCMr7v43XIT8egLKYvS-Ciq0iCJvAMbvShSilhc8qkk6w1MnHiElv8o6G-E_HbY5kUBdsrs5w-wEVjrg6NIVFYdj1-DYBZlFZEanNCFp58a5g2Pg8IsjH5_C6IwQ-LyRgpniS-VhPA"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] original='{ "status": "pending", "expires": "2018-08-31T03:03:09.564850293Z", "identifiers": [ { "type": "dns", "value": "*" }, { "type": "dns", "value": "" } ], "authorizations": [ "", "" ], "finalize": "" }' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 201 Created Server: nginx Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 543 Boulder-Requester: 38349407 Location: Replay-Nonce: ujk-jiTeY0HYTaFB3TDKVPX5ld_65bjjlCsgAgAr0Ig X-Frame-Options: DENY Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800 Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:03:09 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:03:09 GMT Connection: keep-alive

' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] response='{"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09.564850293Z","identifiers":[{"type":"dns","value":""},{"type":"dns","value":""}],"authorizations":["",""],"finalize":""}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] code='201' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] Le_OrderFinalize='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _authorizations_seg=',' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _authz_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:09 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc"}],"wildcard": true}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _authz_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"aTsvum-SRt4VPfo9U8_ZKKfkOHjQFBkdHxY4CcC7CBQ"},{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"92PeAdVM3HaqlYr0QkqjyIeT0GjjfbFGQCeFbN2fpzQ"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"}]}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _authorizations_map=',{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"aTsvum-SRt4VPfo9U8_ZKKfkOHjQFBkdHxY4CcC7CBQ"},{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"92PeAdVM3HaqlYr0QkqjyIeT0GjjfbFGQCeFbN2fpzQ"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"}]},{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc"}],"wildcard": true} ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] Getting webroot for domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _w='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"tls-alpn-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"aTsvum-SRt4VPfo9U8_ZKKfkOHjQFBkdHxY4CcC7CBQ"},{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"92PeAdVM3HaqlYr0QkqjyIeT0GjjfbFGQCeFbN2fpzQ"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"}]}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] entry='"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] token='B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] uri='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] keyauthorization='B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] dvlist='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] Getting webroot for domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _w='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2018-08-31T03:03:09Z","challenges":[{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc"}],"wildcard": true}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] entry='"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc"' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] token='I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] uri='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] keyauthorization='I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] dvlist='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] d [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] vlist=',*,' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] _d_alias='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] txtdomain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] txt='S7ZOYxBoOlx4TI0_mdwxg8deLWESfjSVq1508x25auw' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] Found domain api file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:03:10 CST 2018] First detect the root zone [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":0,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"DF51C45E-01C8-492E-A6F1-A292017377AD","DomainRecords":{"Record":[]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] _domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:11 CST 2018] Add record [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4034475098838016","RequestId":"9BF46B21-7268-4B9E-9A7E-F64466443608"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] d='*' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] _d_alias='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] txtdomain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] txt='JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:12 CST 2018] Found domain api file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] First detect the root zone [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":1,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"CA62579B-750A-435D-B832-8E26347508CE","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"S7ZOYxBoOlx4TI0_mdwxg8deLWESfjSVq1508x25auw","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475098838016","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] _domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:13 CST 2018] Add record [Fri Aug 24 11:03:14 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:03:14 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:14 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:03:14 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:03:14 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:15 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:15 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4034475136975872","RequestId":"2D776E6F-3DE5-4E9E-BF52-4C7FAD0D676F"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:03:15 CST 2018] Sleep 120 seconds for the txt records to take effect [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] ok, let's start to verify [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] d='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] keyauthorization='B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] uri='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _currentRoot='dns_ali' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] tigger domain validation. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _t_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='ujk-jiTeY0HYTaFB3TDKVPX5ld_65bjjlCsgAgAr0Ig' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] nonce='ujk-jiTeY0HYTaFB3TDKVPX5ld_65bjjlCsgAgAr0Ig' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] POST [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJ1amstamlUZVkwSFlUYUZCM1RES1ZQWDVsZF82NWJqamxDc2dBZ0FyMElnIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UvaEY3S2lWOExraGc2NC1pSmJFcnNjNnowOHZXLVF6OEVZY0RNMTg0dEk0SS82NzI2MzgwMjY0IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zODM0OTQwNyJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIkI2aC10d2MtUmUtUHA3Tm94Yi1OdXRrVXk0ZWF4ZkhmMzFaemxkSTRueW8uWklwY2Z6ekthalAxWXhhd1ZQeDE5NHc5MzAyY3J6TWQzT3ZkZllYS3VxWSJ9", "signature": "HVC-3cFhqvrhdWPue4J_Ghduh2pYaVW5zqqBAetFhvkOfl5JReUDCRP2IkQiQxFcV2pdcwKc6h3jIhRQesa2ED7rmzM0jeBRpUR60OF6hGnPoE1DBjJdj_E2IYQVtcbQy0zX_mU3BaalUl6Wf8Gp6crXitBAcEtP_ribYvbIc65dEqYN-VJ3ucKCIVex0pbUOGHzPwgeubwz7Kr0YEjyTRK6O0KtCCwIIhq97HqXDGK2hxmMTQbGMiTDar9H8amhxQfvz-RDivN7B9_ZJTFUNmAdY8IDfuQBHcELpJ8FMImJ8IqLMlnV1oHgB2YYFpuHUrnZRcF4A8Awe891IzAXIQ"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:16 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] original='{ "type": "dns-01", "status": "pending", "url": "", "token": "B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo" }' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 222 Boulder-Requester: 38349407 Link:;rel="up" Location: Replay-Nonce: jFBP8nxFKdB6fr6As9RfYukj1UYs1CfmoPezIzrJz3E X-Frame-Options: DENY Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800 Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:17 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:17 GMT Connection: keep-alive

' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] code='200' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] trigger validation code: 200 [Fri Aug 24 11:05:17 CST 2018] sleep 2 secs to verify [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] checking [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] original='{ "type": "dns-01", "status": "invalid", "error": { "type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized", "detail": "No TXT record found at", "status": 403 }, "url": "", "token": "B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo" }' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] response='{"type":"dns-01","status":"invalid","error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"No TXT record found at","status": 403},"url":"","token":"B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] error='"error":{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized","detail":"No TXT record found at","status": 403' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] errordetail='No TXT record found at' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] error:No TXT record found at [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] Skip for removelevel: [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] pid [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] No need to restore nginx, skip. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] _clearupdns [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] Removing DNS records. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] txt='S7ZOYxBoOlx4TI0_mdwxg8deLWESfjSVq1508x25auw' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] _d_alias='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:19 CST 2018] First detect the root zone [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":2,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"6BFFA00D-C16A-443A-BA8F-E6A6B4E5EF16","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475136975872","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"S7ZOYxBoOlx4TI0_mdwxg8deLWESfjSVq1508x25auw","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475098838016","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:20 CST 2018] _domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":2,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"85B73E17-79DB-4D86-90E4-42C6EDD2DBFA","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475136975872","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600},{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"S7ZOYxBoOlx4TI0_mdwxg8deLWESfjSVq1508x25auw","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475098838016","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:21 CST 2018] record_id='4034475098838016' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4034475098838016","RequestId":"AF95BAD0-AD53-4935-A8C6-55D4368AC58E"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] txt='JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] d_api='/home/tomcat/' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] _d_alias='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:22 CST 2018] First detect the root zone [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":1,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"4A77C251-5F7C-4417-A06A-CAC0BDDFDD4C","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475136975872","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] _sub_domain='_acme-challenge' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:23 CST 2018] _domain='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:24 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:24 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:24 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:24 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:24 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] response='{"PageNumber":1,"TotalCount":1,"PageSize":20,"RequestId":"E404B990-DFB8-42FA-8945-3851254C0FFE","DomainRecords":{"Record":[{"RR":"_acme-challenge","Status":"ENABLE","Value":"JdnUcKWvRtKrFm_04WZwYe6O6Et-L9sP-1syJkVsDcs","Weight":1,"RecordId":"4034475136975872","Type":"TXT","DomainName":"","Locked":false,"Line":"default","TTL":600}]}}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] record_id='4034475136975872' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] GET [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] timeout= [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:25 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] response='{"RecordId":"4034475136975872","RequestId":"DCD30074-C7C0-4505-ACD6-833A4DD41DA5"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _on_issue_err [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Please check log file for more details: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _chk_vlist=',*,' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] start to deactivate authz [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] tigger domain validation. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _t_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "B6h-twc-Re-Pp7Noxb-NutkUy4eaxfHf31ZzldI4nyo.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='jFBP8nxFKdB6fr6As9RfYukj1UYs1CfmoPezIzrJz3E' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] nonce='jFBP8nxFKdB6fr6As9RfYukj1UYs1CfmoPezIzrJz3E' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] POST [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJqRkJQOG54RktkQjZmcjZBczlSZll1a2oxVVlzMUNmbW9QZXpJenJKejNFIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UvaEY3S2lWOExraGc2NC1pSmJFcnNjNnowOHZXLVF6OEVZY0RNMTg0dEk0SS82NzI2MzgwMjY0IiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zODM0OTQwNyJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIkI2aC10d2MtUmUtUHA3Tm94Yi1OdXRrVXk0ZWF4ZkhmMzFaemxkSTRueW8uWklwY2Z6ekthalAxWXhhd1ZQeDE5NHc5MzAyY3J6TWQzT3ZkZllYS3VxWSJ9", "signature": "JieeRNaTIuB14vSGcknf2GjfaD9-Pbl0LQTPZuZz7mA2zDrIFHPQSV2zhuJbD5jv7KgvAZl3pXG6g851KxSIHb_MyH1G9uBBNYcXDLPQuUikh-TSMBr5ePBJirkTO39kqsgm0MpvQDZI4WCaxnidJrzA4YiPIZyTKs3JuRnqSVWCZkSVT-qEFsUmsvun7rGKsevOCr8_VPoRkGePDOxULhtdpdCHhuhvwFdJ6kLjww4HOBUPKFGdtsEDsBzOJfG0jVBLJNUVNhVuH_tAF5yC6WWB62w0WG5LrE2mtmKOkUCudpKQJRZ1QU4qoTUmdDQaw_01TYz_Syh5FRVhoz7QPg"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] original='{ "type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed", "detail": "Unable to update challenge :: The challenge is not pending.", "status": 400 }' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server: nginx Content-Type: application/problem+json Content-Length: 144 Boulder-Requester: 38349407 Replay-Nonce: eaAN63V_CovWI72GXN87hFrLhsNc_BaFvmFcqU-P4zA Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:26 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:26 GMT Connection: close

' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] response='{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Unable to update challenge :: The challenge is not pending.","status": 400}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] code='400' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] tigger domain validation. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _t_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] _t_key_authz='I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] payload='{"keyAuthorization": "I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc.ZIpcfzzKajP1YxawVPx194w9302crzMd3OvdfYXKuqY"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Use cached jwk for file: /home/tomcat/ [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] Use _CACHED_NONCE='eaAN63V_CovWI72GXN87hFrLhsNc_BaFvmFcqU-P4zA' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:26 CST 2018] nonce='eaAN63V_CovWI72GXN87hFrLhsNc_BaFvmFcqU-P4zA' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] POST [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] _post_url='' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] body='{"protected": "eyJub25jZSI6ICJlYUFONjNWX0NvdldJNzJHWE44N2hGckxoc05jX0JhRnZtRmNxVS1QNHpBIiwgInVybCI6ICJodHRwczovL2FjbWUtdjAyLmFwaS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcvYWNtZS9jaGFsbGVuZ2UvdjBBdFd4UWVtN0ltR2tiOTAyN3FsMzhoWXJJMVZvblJCanFaX1JtY1VpTS82NzI2MzgwMjYxIiwgImFsZyI6ICJSUzI1NiIsICJraWQiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hY21lLXYwMi5hcGkubGV0c2VuY3J5cHQub3JnL2FjbWUvYWNjdC8zODM0OTQwNyJ9", "payload": "eyJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIkkxSUlMcHY5OHVQUnVGYWcwaktMYmp1SEtXTWFKUUdkSlZoSXhCZXhvbWMuWklwY2Z6ekthalAxWXhhd1ZQeDE5NHc5MzAyY3J6TWQzT3ZkZllYS3VxWSJ9", "signature": "mBm05-Rl3zIzIOBtVFYipb1tgIGwboX4OUfJ0Z8ma0M7bTb5Kwht36V_RgdPtnetHP3Di-sl_0ejv5yjL-bqG1HEOGnG_n6i__P6KrmA7MOh6lXVNM6nyz2V01UL46XPbNy74kHtJ6EN5bkjcZ4Q3rb2e4koe5KhTMIAchYJ3-jKUA9tkAGWWGZwqJu6NBUAfarY7qHWoBu3itSffqmJ_Tyud89iO0X25ku7EUT4eWC3BFu17ZmxpmnqYvHUqZhenVTFQjDPtFpPjV8JnTaCEab3n96IDnnVUZyVqDrdv8JAq8iP4dN0BOiJbV5LYy2NE0TyeZgl9bSPFGsypzYX6w"}' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] _postContentType='application/jose+json' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] Http already initialized. [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /home/tomcat/ -g ' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] _ret='0' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] original='{ "type": "dns-01", "status": "pending", "url": "", "token": "I1IILpv98uPRuFag0jKLbjuHKWMaJQGdJVhIxBexomc" }' [Fri Aug 24 11:05:27 CST 2018] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 222 Boulder-Requester: 38349407 Link:;rel="up" Location: Replay-Nonce: UGL5t3k9yMP7XqbCokjacUVf_106F9KtUUfnjivn_og X-Frame-Options: DENY Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800 Expires: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:27 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2018 03:05:27 GMT Connection: keep-alive