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Save VAULT_KV_V2 for renew #5311

Open JD-ISWT opened 7 hours ago

JD-ISWT commented 7 hours ago

When issuing a certificate and deploy it for the first time, variables VAULT_PREFIX and VAULT_ADDR are save in config file for cron exec.

I don't find the way to save also VAULT_KV_V2 and correctly deploy cert one renewed with the cron.

Steps to reproduce

/root/ --renew --domain teleport.<redacted>.tech --force --debug 2

[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] _post_url='https://<redacted>/v1/kv_drive/data/<redacted>/teleport.<redacted>.tech/chain.pem'
[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] body='{"value": "\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFBTCCAu2gAwIBAgIQS6hSk/eaL6JzBkuoBI110DANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBP\nMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEpMCcGA1UEChMgSW50ZXJuZXQgU2VjdXJpdHkgUmVzZWFy\nY2ggR3JvdXAx<redacted>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"}'
[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] _postContentType
[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] Http already initialized.
[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header /root/  -L  --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.cHHNu8NS0r '
[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] _ret='0'
{"errors":["no data provided"]}[Tue Oct  1 18:56:04 UTC 2024] POST
github-actions[bot] commented 7 hours ago

Please upgrade to the latest code and try again first. Maybe it's already fixed. --upgrade If it's still not working, please provide the log with --debug 2, otherwise, nobody can help you.