acmesh-official /

A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
38.42k stars 4.89k forks source link

cloudxns invalid domain #717

Closed wasas closed 7 years ago

wasas commented 7 years ago
./ --issue --dns dns_cx -d --debug 2
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] Lets find script dir.
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] _SCRIPT_='/*************/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] _script='/*************/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] _script_home='/*************'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] Using default home:/root/
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] Using config home:/root/
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] LE_WORKING_DIR='/root/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] Using api: 
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] Using config home:/root/
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:43 GMT 2017] DOMAIN_PATH='/root/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:44 GMT 2017] Le_NextRenewTime
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:44 GMT 2017] _on_before_issue
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:44 GMT 2017] 'dns_cx' does not contain 'no'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:44 GMT 2017] Le_LocalAddress
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:45 GMT 2017] Check for domain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:45 GMT 2017] _currentRoot='dns_cx'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:45 GMT 2017] 'dns_cx' does not contain 'apache'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:45 GMT 2017] _saved_account_key_hash='t67Ragf3rgEtfljLXFV2e4Yofif='
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] _saved_account_key_hash is not changed, skip register account.
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] Read key length:
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] _createcsr
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] domain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] domainlist
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] csrkey='/root/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] csr='/root/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] csrconf='/root/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] Single domain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] _is_idn_d=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] _idn_temp
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] _csr_cn=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:46 GMT 2017] Getting webroot for domain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] _w='dns_cx'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] _currentRoot='dns_cx'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] Getting new-authz for domain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] Try new-authz for the 0 time.
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] _is_idn_d=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] _idn_temp
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] url=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] payload='{"resource": "new-authz", "identifier": {"type": "dns", "value": ""}}'
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:47 GMT 2017] RSA key
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:58 GMT 2017] Get nonce.
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:58 GMT 2017] GET
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:58 GMT 2017] url=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:58 GMT 2017] timeout
[Fri Mar 10 04:54:58 GMT 2017] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /root/  --trace-ascii /tmp/acme.hwefD4sf.1898.tmp '
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] ret='0'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] _headers='HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 352
Boulder-Request-Id: mglAXMsYiUFrZu-m6sh8GGtJ6ihtwoE
Replay-Nonce: lrGrwQh2_*****************************************y4LTlNA
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:55:02 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:55:02 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] _CACHED_NONCE='lrGDQ2_53I0CXqE-FVS5szMqtp4tTlA'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] nonce='lrrwQh2_***************************************TlNA'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] POST
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] url=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:02 GMT 2017] body='{"header": {"alg": "RS256", "jwk": {"e": "AQAB", "kty": "RSA", "n": "uekh8IzKEqCQVb_tgXvKsV_FzykujB4PPrNB17QF***************************QmCnhOXw6CO0RhTimqaITL5eITnV5VxJgdhKg0rDi_zPT-sz0F9Q5BGNiOrD6S3pTIwHwpY******************************VxVoRcBnkxhme_JHkysDqfMujosbLDp0hAuvyo6M126OYNo7SGuwTiN31i6REQlJfyj5elCssrjTrAVgwylaWXJNDEhOpu03aPGjMG05w"}}, "protected": *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************", "payload": "eyZXNvXJjZSI6JuZXctV0aHoiAiaWRlbpmllciI6IsiHlwZSI6IJnMiLCidmFdWUOAid2EWFvb5uXiX0", "signature": "YXQtofrJORSCyyT2rsOOuk7gfpzE48CVHaGC3dMyZpS9NMeVlskoYTBVKljZJal2lfCAvLcBHBqXU8UgH1UYbfaGfpVESvbJ0WpeAzQFkX*****************************pvK8dwP11ABh8syHq_Iectx2iA3YMacW3GmlIZZpadA2StI0Y3_uF-DtNk5hmdTiVFm4GmXJCt5rc_doadGsj57QJ_TQRNRdS7-9_0Wax15Y8oXAPIxU-ApOe6mqd46E3vLw_A"}'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:03 GMT 2017] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /root/  --trace-ascii /tmp/acme.shwfDf4sf.1489292.tmp '
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:04 GMT 2017] _ret='0'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:04 GMT 2017] original='{
  "identifier": {
    "type": "dns",
    "value": ""
  "status": "pending",
  "expires": "2017-03-16T20:55:04.7323",
  "challenges": [
      "type": "tls-sni-01",
      "status": "pending",
      "uri": "",
      "token": "BmgF7DFYe7LtzLNDNHbAZs58IJFk"
      "type": "http-01",
      "status": "pending",
      "uri": "",
      "token": "dxRkipcOhOX6tdQgnfdj6b_utV0d6I"
      "type": "dns-01",
      "status": "pending",
      "uri": "",
      "token": "iO92GOZ96ygDRD8ZPbIKXyAPHiXw"
  "combinations": [
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:04 GMT 2017] responseHeaders='HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
Expires: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:55:04 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: nginx
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 996
Boulder-Request-Id: qGFeuQUIA66DpqqJomE3dCtMT0Ia3Nve
Boulder-Requester: 1061948
Link: <>;rel="next"
Replay-Nonce: ozg6g9AfC0jrJAZjURiII3ZFDRZ
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
Expires: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:55:04 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2017 20:55:04 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:04 GMT 2017] response='{"identifier":{"type":"dns","value":""},"status":"pending","expires":"2017-03-16T20:55:04.73620023","challenges":[{"type":"tls-sni-01","status":"pending","uri":"","token":"BmFUMYeGQFtzvDEfHbAw5JQk"},{"type":"http-01","status":"pending","uri":"","token":"dxRip7cqOEOXEc6tdyQnJdj6b_ut706I"},{"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","uri":"","token":"i9n2OOoX6yhDRD8ZPb0IXWfPHBq"}],"combinations":[[2],[0],[1]]}'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] code='201'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] The new-authz request is ok.
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] entry='"type":"dns-01","status":"pending","uri":"","token":"i9n2OOZl9ygRDaQZb20KyWAHXBw"'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] token='iOn2GOOl9yghDa8Zb2IXyAfHiX'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] uri=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] keyauthorization='iO9GOOZo96ygRDa8Zb2IKXA3fPiqw.NwRh4aL96Y9QLUpConH_FgG93'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] dvlist=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] vlist=','
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] txtdomain=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] txt='gCtmRpSwPXm3Ng2G3s64S2oulnI'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:05 GMT 2017] d_api='/*************/dnsapi/'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] Found domain api file: /*************/dnsapi/
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] First detect the root zone
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] ep='domain'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] url=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] cdate='2017-03-09 20:55:06 UTC'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] data
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] hmac='1c7b4f76e4a7bd1a'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] GET
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] url=''
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:06 GMT 2017] timeout
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:07 GMT 2017] _CURL='curl -L --silent --dump-header /root/  --trace-ascii /tmp/acme.shfAD2f.140.tmp '
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:07 GMT 2017] ret='0'
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:07 GMT 2017] response='{"code":1,"message":"Operate successfully","total":"1","data":[{"id":"3270","domain":"","status":"ok","level":"8","take_over_status":"Taken over","create_time":"2017-********","update_time":"2017-*********","ttl":"20000"}]}' (这里已经提取到所有域名了)
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:07 GMT 2017] invalid domain
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:07 GMT 2017] Error add txt for
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] pid
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] No need to restore nginx, skip.
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] _clearupdns
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] Dns not added, skip.
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] _on_issue_err
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details.
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] See:
[Fri Mar 10 04:55:08 GMT 2017] Diagnosis versions: 
OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017
apache doesn't exists.
nc: invalid option -- h
BusyBox v1.25.1 (2017-02-04 09:35:28 CST) multi-call binary.

Usage: nc [-iN] [-wN] [-f FILE|IPADDR PORT] [-e PROG]

Open a pipe to IP:PORT or FILE

    -w SEC  Connect timeout
    -i SEC  Delay interval for lines sent
    -f FILE Use file (ala /dev/ttyS0) instead of network
    -e PROG Run PROG after connect

以上, API 都是正确的.

./ --install --home /安装地址 --config-home /安装地址 好像没有生效.. 看这里还是 Using config home:/root/ 下载地址和安装地址不同

使用这种方式 ./ --issue --dns dns_cx -d --install-cert --certpath /证书地址/cert.pem --keypath /证书地址/key.pem --fullchainpath /证书地址/server.pem 提示: Domain is not valid:'' 估计是要先 生成证书再 install-cert ?

Moekr commented 7 years ago

真巧也遇到了这个问题。。。 debug看了一下,发现是API文档和实际返回不一致导致的 找到dnsapi/dns_cx.sh的最后几行,原来应该是这样的:

if ! _contains "$response" '"message":"success"'; then
    return 1

这里的判断按照API文档的话应该是对的,但是在get domain list的时候实际返回的内容却是......"message":"Operate successfully"......,导致脚本以为请求失败,所以只要改一下判断逻辑,让两种返回都通过即可。

Neilpang commented 7 years ago

@Moekr 谢谢.