acmpesuecc / EasyLinks

A fast as hell link redirecting service / shortening service , your python dictionary speeds are a joke compared to this.
MIT License
2 stars 7 forks source link

Blacklist Redirections #2

Open NavinShrinivas opened 2 years ago

NavinShrinivas commented 2 years ago


A bunch of links need to be hidden from the public , unless they have the admin passsword , it is the job of the author to create a html template and python code that authenticates the admins , one of such links will be https://localhost:8080/test

Preferred Implementation

A blacklist files, preferably on redis itself will be nice. To the contributor , it isn't must to follow whats above ,its merely a suggestion.

Bounty points allotted : 75 Any further improvements along with bug fixes will be given brownie points. If the contributor sees any further improvements that can be done to this project ,raise an issue.

Bloodslayer7 commented 2 years ago

I would like to get assigned to this issue

anirudhlakhotia commented 2 years ago

I'd like to work on this

NavinShrinivas commented 2 years ago

Hey there! Sure . Any help needed ping me on discord

alfadelta10010 commented 2 years ago

I would like to work on this issue

NavinShrinivas commented 2 years ago

Sure , they are offering working on this already

RakshithRAcharya commented 2 years ago

can I work on this??

NavinShrinivas commented 2 years ago

hey guys! the bounty for this issue has been reduced to 75 + brownie!