acoli-repo / acoli-dicts

3000+ machine-readable open source dictionaries distributed by the Applied Computational Linguistics lab at the University of Augsburg, Germany, and by the research group Linked Open Dictionaries (LiODi, funded 2015-2020 by BMBF at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany). All data provided in OntoLex-Lemon and TIAD-TSV.
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 2 forks source link

Apertium RDF - more metadata in lexicons and translations sets #7

Open jogracia opened 3 years ago

jogracia commented 3 years ago

I would add dc:source, rdrf:label and rdfs:comment in every lime:Lexicon and vartrans:TranslationSet individual

e.g. :

 dc:source <  > ;
    rdfs:label "Apertium EN Lexicon"@en ;
    rdfs:comment "This is an RDF OntoLex-lemon lexicon in English that comes from the original  Apertium bilingual dictionaries."@en .
jogracia commented 2 years ago

apparently for TranslationSet the metadata is there, pending for Lexicon