acomagu / fish-async-prompt

Make your prompt asynchronous to improve the reactivity.
MIT License
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SHLVL incremented #17

Closed arobase-che closed 4 years ago

arobase-che commented 4 years ago


The SHLVL environment variable is incremented. I'm used to have my shell level to be 1 when it's my first prompt. Now it's 2.

How to check

$ env | grep SHLVL

Is it what we want ?

acomagu commented 4 years ago

Hmm, no reproduce for me.

$ sh -c 'env -i TERM=$TERM HOME=$(mktemp -d) fish'
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
$ env | grep SHLVL
$ curl --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/conf.d/async_prompt.fis
$ source ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
$ ls
$ env | grep SHLVL

Fish appear to just increase the value on startup, for example:

$ env SHLVL=10 fish
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
$ env | grep SHLVL

So maybe your WM(GNOME or KDE, etc) set SHLVL=1?

arobase-che commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I wasn't clear at all ! It didn't increment the variable SHLVL in the shell's environment but in the prompt's environment.

Here a working example :

$ sh -c 'env -i TERM=$TERM HOME=$(mktemp -d) fish' # Nice tip btw, thank you !
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
$ env | grep SHLVL
$ mkdir ~/.config/fish/functions
$ echo 'function fish_prompt
      echo "$SHLVL \$ "
end' > ~/.config/fish/functions/
1 $ curl --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
1 $ source ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
2 $ env | grep SHLVL
2 $ 

The echo 'function fish_prompt ... command will change the prompt to print the SHLVL. When is charged, it increments the SHLVL of the prompt, but not the SHLVL environment variable.

Sorry about the confusion, I realize that I wasn't understandable.

acomagu commented 4 years ago

OK, I understand. Thank you for detailed explanation.

The reason is the plugin spawns another Fish process and run your prompt function on it.

I'll fix it in days. I want minimize the differences of prompt's environment between when plugin is installed and when not.

Thank you for reporting!

arobase-che commented 4 years ago

Thank you for detailed explanation.

You are welcome ^^

The reason is the plugin spawns another Fish process and run your prompt function on it.

        end | env SHLVL=(math "$SHLVL-1") fish -c 'function __async_prompt_ses

At the line 88, may be the only solution since $SHLVL is a read only variable.


acomagu commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Are you willing to create PR?

arobase-che commented 4 years ago

If the solution suits you. Here we go ! :D