acomagu / fish-async-prompt

Make your prompt asynchronous to improve the reactivity.
MIT License
412 stars 25 forks source link

unknown commnad: fish_right_prompt #59

Closed Zedai00 closed 2 years ago

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

when i installed it it is giving this error fish: Unknown command: fish_right_prompt how to solve this fish, version 3.4.1

acomagu commented 2 years ago

@zedgamer9128 I couldn't reproduce your error on Fish 3.4.1. Could you provide reproduction?

(reproduction example)

$ mkdir /tmp/async-prompt-test
$ sh -c 'env -i TERM=$TERM HOME=/tmp/async-prompt-test fish'
$ curl -sL | source
$ fisher install acomagu/fish-async-prompt
$ exit
$ sh -c 'env -i TERM=$TERM HOME=/tmp/async-prompt-test fish'
# No error
Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

after reproduction there is no error but in my main home there is errors why is that

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

My Home 2022-06-28_11-43

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

Reproduced Home 2022-06-28_11-45

acomagu commented 2 years ago

@zedgamer9128 Could you provide your and other plugin list?

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

## Set values
# Hide welcome message
set fish_greeting
set -x MANPAGER "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"

# Set settings for
set -U __done_min_cmd_duration 10000
set -U __done_notification_urgency_level low

## Environment setup
# Apply .profile
#source ~/.profile

# Add ~/.local/bin to PATH
if test -d ~/.local/bin
    if not contains -- ~/.local/bin $PATH
        set -p PATH ~/.local/bin

# Add depot_tools to PATH
if test -d ~/Applications/depot_tools
    if not contains -- ~/Applications/depot_tools $PATH
        set -p PATH ~/Applications/depot_tools

## Functions
# Functions needed for !! and !$
function __history_previous_command
  switch (commandline -t)
  case "!"
    commandline -t $history[1]; commandline -f repaint
  case "*"
    commandline -i !

function __history_previous_command_arguments
  switch (commandline -t)
  case "!"
    commandline -t ""
    commandline -f history-token-search-backward
  case "*"
    commandline -i '$'

if [ "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_vi_key_bindings ];
  bind -Minsert ! __history_previous_command
  bind -Minsert '$' __history_previous_command_arguments
  bind ! __history_previous_command
  bind '$' __history_previous_command_arguments

# Fish command history
function history
    builtin history --show-time='%F %T '

function backup --argument filename
    cp $filename $filename.bak

# Copy DIR1 DIR2
function copy
    set count (count $argv | tr -d \n)
    if test "$count" = 2; and test -d "$argv[1]"
    set from (echo $argv[1] | trim-right /)
    set to (echo $argv[2])
        command cp -r $from $to
        command cp $argv

## Import colorscheme from 'wal' asynchronously
if type "wal" >> /dev/null 2>&1
   cat ~/.cache/wal/sequences

## Useful aliases
# Replace ls with exa
alias l='exa -al --color=always --group-directories-first --icons'
alias ls='exa -al --color=always --group-directories-first --icons' # preferred listing
alias la='exa -a --color=always --group-directories-first --icons'  # all files and dirs
alias ll='exa -l --color=always --group-directories-first --icons'  # long format
alias lt='exa -aT --color=always --group-directories-first --icons' # tree listing
alias l.="exa -a | egrep '^\.'"                                     # show only dotfiles

# Replace some more things with better alternatives
alias cat='bat --style header --style rules --style snip --style changes --style header'
[ ! -x /usr/bin/yay ] && [ -x /usr/bin/paru ] && alias yay='paru --bottomup'

# Common use
alias aup="pamac upgrade --aur"
alias grubup="sudo update-grub"
alias fixpacman="sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck"
alias tarnow='tar -acf '
alias untar='tar -zxvf '
alias wget='wget -c '
alias rmpkg="sudo pacman -Rdd"
alias psmem='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4'
alias psmem10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10'
alias upd='sudo reflector --latest 5 --age 2 --fastest 5 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist && cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist && sudo pacman -Syu && fish_update_completions && sudo updatedb'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
alias .....='cd ../../../..'
alias ......='cd ../../../../..'
alias dir='dir --color=auto'
alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias hw='hwinfo --short'                                   # Hardware Info
alias big="expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -h | nl"              # Sort installed packages according to size in MB (expac must be installed)
alias gitpkg='pacman -Q | grep -i "\-git" | wc -l'          # List amount of -git packages

# Get fastest mirrors 
alias mirror="sudo reflector -f 30 -l 30 --number 10 --verbose --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" 
alias mirrord="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort delay --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" 
alias mirrors="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort score --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" 
alias mirrora="sudo reflector --latest 50 --number 20 --sort age --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" 

# Help people new to Arch
alias apt='man pacman'
alias apt-get='man pacman'
alias helpme=' --shell'
alias please='sudo'
alias tb='nc 9999'

# Cleanup orphaned packages
alias cleanup='sudo pacman -Rns (pacman -Qtdq)'

# Get the error messages from journalctl
alias jctl="journalctl -p 3 -xb"

# Recent installed packages
alias rip="expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n %v' | sort | tail -200 | nl"

 # Zed
 alias s="sudo"
 alias pkg="paru --bottomup"
 alias yay="paru --bottomup"
 alias paru="paru --bottomup"
 alias yt4='cd /Zed/Music/4KVideoDownloader
 yt-dlp  --no-playlist --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" --embed-subs --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata  '
 alias yth='cd /Zed/Music/Hindi
 yt-dlp  --no-playlist --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" --embed-subs --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata  '
 alias ytk='cd /Zed/Music/Korean
 yt-dlp  --no-playlist --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" --embed-subs --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata  '
 set -x fish ~/.config/fish/
 set -x EDITOR nano
 alias make="make --always-make"
 alias zed="cd /Zed" 
 alias yt='yt-dlp'
 alias ac='git add -A && git commit -m'
 alias sys='sudo systemctl'
 alias syse="sudo systemctl enable"
 alias syss="sudo systemctl start"
 alias sysp="sudo systemctl stop"
 alias sysr="sudo systemctl restart"
 alias sysd="sudo systemctl disable"
 alias syst="sudo systemctl status"
 alias less="less -r"
 alias syncm="rsync -avu --delete --inplace --verbose --progress --recursive --omit-dir-times --no-perms /Zed/Music/ /run/user/1000/34eb2e6729677fec/C507-19E8/Music"
 alias syncmr="rsync -avu --delete --inplace --verbose --progress --recursive --omit-dir-times --no-perms /run/user/1000/34eb2e6729677fec/C507-19E8/Music/ /Zed/Music"
 alias su="su -m"
 alias logout="kill -9 -1"
 set -q GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX[1]; or set GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX $HOME ; set -gx PATH $HOME/.cabal/bin /home/zed/.ghcup/bin $PATH # ghcup-env

 # Zed Functions
 if pgrep yt-dlp > /dev/null
    set -U playing true
    set -U playing false
Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

fisher list

acomagu commented 2 years ago

I installed your same plugins and to the tmp environment but didn't reproducešŸ˜¢


I cannot determine the cause of your problem until it reproduce.

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

looks like tide theme is the problem when i removed it there is no error

siberowl commented 2 years ago

Sorry to jump in. I also had the same issue using Starship today. Instead of adding starship init fish | source to the end, I added it within the if status is-interactive block which gave me the error consistently. Just as a reference, they did say "add it to the end" so it was my fault but thought it might be useful:

Zedai00 commented 2 years ago

Closing it as tide already have async and also i am using a different theme now