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Wordpress Update - Gamification & what needs to be done #49

Closed Gizmotronn closed 3 years ago

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

I've got @b4s4nt working on learning about WP dev for AC0/RD, so there's a chance there will be some new stuff on that front very soon. After we finish EH we'll fork it to AC0/RD and open up a discussion on the AC0/RD WP site (which is currently still in development - we've got the basic functionality set up but most of our users haven't migrated over, and we haven't gotten the themes finalised yet. Right now I'm just dripping content onto it). We've also got gamification features set up: Right now it just works when you log in, but we've got plans to add plenty more triggers, like github commits (I actually messaged the devs behind the gamification plugin and they said that there's no plans to add github triggers in the near future, so something we could do is set up an rss feed for each user's contributions, and use a service to create a forum post/blog post that will then give the user points) or forum posts/blog posts. I would also ideally like to integrate the forums with github issues & disqus, but that's all something that can be discussed later.

Check out the slack link for more

We've also added a group on the portal for this, it's openly available to everyone:

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Ideally we'd like a theme with the user's profile pic in the header menu (like in Buddyboss). The buddyboss theme - and the olympus theme w/ youzer - are great, but they have their own issues, and we'd like to either develop our own theme (which I'd help with) or customize an existing one, as well as fix up the error in issue: #15

This is obviously something on the backburner, as we continue to work on other projects - but please continue to use the portal as well as github, as forums, groups and blog posts are working.

Thanks :)

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

If you haven't signed up to the portal, go to the slack