acorn-io / mongodb-atlas

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Not given an option to recover the app when created with invalid creds . #11

Open sangee2004 opened 9 months ago

sangee2004 commented 9 months ago

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Deploy mongodb-atlas service (along with consuming app) - acorn run -n myaltas .
  2. When prompted for entering "Mongo Atlas credentials" , enter invalid creds.

App fails to deploy successfully.

NAME         IMAGE          COMMIT         CREATED     ENDPOINTS                                     MESSAGE
myaltas.db   f022f1a7529e   aec31c70c9bf   5m38s ago                                                 (job: create-cluster): Error: Exit Code 1, 5 failed attempts; (service: atlas): pending
myaltas      e5edf60f1b91   aec31c70c9bf   5m43s ago   (container: app): waiting for service to be created [db], waiting for service to be ready [db]; (service: db): acorn [myaltas.db] is not ready
  1. Try to update the app to see if we can correct the creds .

acorn run --update -n myaltas .

User is not prompted to enter the creds.

  1. Should we be deleting the invalid creds that has been created in this case ?
 acorn secrets
NAME                TYPE                                 KEYS                                  CREATED
atlas-creds-rm4b5   [private_key project_id public_key]   7m58s ago
sangee2004 commented 9 months ago

@cloudnautique I am able to edit the secrets and set the correct values and see the app recover automatically.

But there is no easy way for users to tell which secret is bound to this app.

acorn apps
NAME       IMAGE          COMMIT         CREATED   ENDPOINTS                                      MESSAGE
myaltas2   e5edf60f1b91   aec31c70c9bf   15m ago   OK
myaltas1   e5edf60f1b91   aec31c70c9bf   20m ago   OK
myaltas    e5edf60f1b91   aec31c70c9bf   33m ago    OK

acorn secrets
NAME                TYPE                                 KEYS                                  CREATED
atlas-creds-f5wdg   [private_key project_id public_key]   9m57s ago
myaltas2.db.admin   basic                                [password username]                   13m ago
myaltas2.db.user    basic                                [password username]                   13m ago
atlas-creds-czhnk   [private_key project_id public_key]   14m ago
myaltas1.db.admin   basic                                [password username]                   17m ago
myaltas1.db.user    basic                                [password username]                   17m ago
atlas-creds-rm4b5   [private_key project_id public_key]   29m ago
myaltas.db.admin    basic                                [password username]                   30m ago
myaltas.db.user     basic                                [password username]          
cloudnautique commented 9 months ago

@sangee2004 in the initial scenario, can you do acorn login [APPNAME]

sangee2004 commented 9 months ago

Able to use acorn login <app name> and create a new credential to be bound to the app.

We should be able to provide an error message that login creds failed and can be altered using acorn login <app-name.

Leaving this issue open for providing an error message in this case.