Leverages libphonenumber to allow for asynchronous and synchronous formatting of phone numbers in Flutter apps. Includes a TextInputFormatter to allow real-time AsYouType formatting.
...Pods/PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKit/ParseManager.swift:112:21: Mutable capture of 'inout' parameter 'buffer' is not allowed in concurrently-executing code
...Pods/PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKit/ParseManager.swift:112:21: Mutable capture of 'inout' parameter 'buffer' is not allowed in concurrently-executing code
This lib adds pod dependency on https://github.com/marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit. It had compilation issue for Xcode 16 Beta which was fixed in 3.8.0 version (https://github.com/marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit/issues/796). For now latest flutter_libphonenumber adds 3.7.9 to cocoa pods.
Can we have a version that uses 3.8.0?