acristoffers / CEFSimpleSample

Simple sample on how to use Chromium Embedded Framework. More like a Hello World.
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Xcode 5 #4

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

Any chance to update this code to xcode 5? It won't run there.

I've changed the compiler per these instructions: (at the bottom)

But now I get different errors (5):

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "std::_Rb_tree_decrement(std::_Rb_tree_node_base*)", referenced from: std::_Rb_tree<CefStringBase, std::pair<CefStringBase const, CefStringBase >, std::_Select1ststd::pair<CefStringBase<CefStringTraitsUTF16 const, CefStringBase > >, std::less<CefStringBase >, std::allocatorstd::pair<CefStringBase<CefStringTraitsUTF16 const, CefStringBase > > >::_M_insert_unique(std::pair<CefStringBase const, CefStringBase > const&) in libcef_dll_wrapper.a(transfer_util.o)


Any idea on how to fix?

Thanks, Wesley

acristoffers commented 10 years ago

Sorry for taking long. I thought I had resolved this :/

You can upgrade the project, but has to leave the Architecture stuff untouched, as CEF only supports i386 (32bit). Then you have to set the project to use libstdc++ instead of libc++ to get rid of those errors.

Fixed in master.