acroy / Expokit.jl

Julia implementation of EXPOKIT routines
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Add Chbv #16

Closed mforets closed 6 years ago

mforets commented 6 years ago

in commit bfe6cee, the inner accumulations are done inplace. notice that the auxiliary vector y should be complex in both cases.

do we want to have an inplace version similar to expmv!, like padm!{T}(w::Vector{T}, A, v::Vector{T})?

mforets commented 6 years ago

FYI for this function i collected some benchmark data, it's here.

Now i've started to do the chbv! version, locally, but i get some errors.

mforets commented 6 years ago

i'm struggling with the inplace version, let me put the broken version here 🤕

actually if i use the three input inplace versions, chbv!(Hv, H, v), work properly, but the two-component one is wrong.

function chbv{T}(A, vec::Vector{T})
    result = convert(Vector{promote_type(eltype(A), T)}, copy(vec))
    chbv!(A, result)
    return result

# wrong, use: chbv!(H, v);
chbv!{T}(A, vec::Vector{T}) = chbv!(vec, A, vec)

# OK, use: Hv = similar(v); chbv!(Hv, H, v); norm(Hv - expm(H) * v) ~= 1e-12
function chbv!{T<:Real}(w::Vector{T}, A, vec::Vector{T})
    p = min(length(θ), length(α))
    scale!(copy!(w, vec), α0)

    @inbounds for i = 1:p
        w .+= real((A - θ[i]*I) \ (α[i] * vec))
    return w

# OK, use: Hv = similar(v); chbv!(Hv, H, v); norm(Hv - expm(H) * v) ~= 1e-12
function chbv!{T<:Complex}(w::Vector{T}, A, vec::Vector{T})
    p = min(length(θ), length(α))
    scale!(copy!(w, vec), α0)
    t = [θ; conj(θ)]
    a = 0.5 * [α; conj(α)]

    @inbounds for i = 1:2*p
        w .+= (A - t[i]*I) \ (a[i] * vec)
    return w

EDIT: some comments and removed vec=w in the end of each function.

acroy commented 6 years ago

The two argument version of chbv! cannot work since you overwrite the input vec which you need further down. I think you have to do chbv!{T}(A, vec::Vector{T}) = chbv!(similar(vec), A, vec) to make it work (or even using similar(vec, promote_type(eltype(A), T))).

mforets commented 6 years ago

but the vec doesn't get updated: chbv!(H, v) returns the correct value, although it is not attached to v after the call.

acroy commented 6 years ago

True, then maybe chbv!{T}(A, vec::Vector{T}) = chbv!(vec, A, copy(vec)) will do?

mforets commented 6 years ago

Well done! That does it. I've updated the branch.

acroy commented 6 years ago

Do you have an idea why the tests for 0.4 fail? I will try to test locally ...

mforets commented 6 years ago

No idea. I'm in v0.6 and for the failing test in v0.4 i get that the residuum is smaller than 1e-11 for a set of 10.000 tests.

I saw that JuliaBox proposes older kernels too, i can check there..

mforets commented 6 years ago

i can confirm that there is an issue with v0.4.7.

with the 3 argument variant, it does produce the correct result, but it doesn't modify its first argument when the function is returned. like a different handling of variables scope?

mforets commented 6 years ago

to be precise, this happens:

function f(w)
    w .+= ones(length(w))
    return w
w = 2.0 * ones(4);
f(w), w
# ([3.0,3.0,3.0,3.0],[2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0]) in v0.4.7
# ([3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0], [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]) in v0.5.1 and later

i dunno if Compat is supposed to "fix this".

acroy commented 6 years ago

Ah, good catch! This is probably because .+= was not in place pre 0.5. We should be able to "fix" this by returning chbv!(result, A, vec) instead of result. At least the tests will pass.

mforets commented 6 years ago

Done. Shall i squash commits into a single one?

acroy commented 6 years ago

Yes, that would be great. We will also have to add the information to the README file, or do you want to generate that from the docstrings?

mforets commented 6 years ago

ok, done.

regarding documentation, yes, in case you haven't tried it yet with Documenter.jl the setup is super easy and plays very well with github. kudos to Documenter devs :) in this case we can enclose the function's name in a @docs macro, in a file that can be e.g. docs/src/lib/

acroy commented 6 years ago

Cool. I had not seen Documenter.jl, but it looks really nice and useful!