acroy / Expokit.jl

Julia implementation of EXPOKIT routines
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Add benchmarks script #28

Open mforets opened 6 years ago

mforets commented 6 years ago

note: some of these "real life" benchmarks can be heavy (and i didn't add all SLICOT benchs), so i doubt that we want to pack this with Expokit. instead it seems better having the link to another repository where they can be obtained using

mforets commented 6 years ago

Results in this branch, and julia v0.6

ID time GC time memory allocations
["SLICOT", "(\"CDplayer\", 120, \"c\")"] 16.076 μs (5%) 49.97 KiB (1%) 91
["SLICOT", "(\"CDplayer\", 120, \"u\")"] 1.047 ms (5%) 1.58 MiB (1%) 277
["SLICOT", "(\"MNA_5\", 10913, \"c\")"] 12.721 ms (5%) 2.96 MiB (1%) 96
["SLICOT", "(\"MNA_5\", 10913, \"u\")"] 13.263 ms (5%) 2.96 MiB (1%) 96
["SLICOT", "(\"beam\", 348, \"c\")"] 4.697 ms (5%) 498.63 KiB (1%) 105
["SLICOT", "(\"beam\", 348, \"u\")"] 4.661 ms (5%) 498.63 KiB (1%) 105
["SLICOT", "(\"build\", 48, \"c\")"] 457.934 μs (5%) 557.13 KiB (1%) 122
["SLICOT", "(\"build\", 48, \"u\")"] 498.871 μs (5%) 557.13 KiB (1%) 122
["SLICOT", "(\"iss\", 270, \"c\")"] 19.667 μs (5%) 87.31 KiB (1%) 64
["SLICOT", "(\"iss\", 270, \"u\")"] 259.437 μs (5%) 378.88 KiB (1%) 84
["SLICOT", "(\"pde\", 84, \"c\")"] 180.027 μs (5%) 272.84 KiB (1%) 80
["SLICOT", "(\"pde\", 84, \"u\")"] 179.291 μs (5%) 272.56 KiB (1%) 77
["SLICOT", "(\"tline\", 256, \"c\")"] 12.616 μs (5%) 83.08 KiB (1%) 64
["SLICOT", "(\"tline\", 256, \"u\")"] 482.162 μs (5%) 716.97 KiB (1%) 135
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.6.4
Commit 9d11f62bcb (2018-07-09 19:09 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
  LAPACK: libopenblas64_
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, broadwell)
mforets commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, PkgBenchmark doesn't seem to be ready yet in v0.7; i get

julia> benchmarkpkg("Expokit")
WARNING: Base.LibGit2 is deprecated, run `import LibGit2` instead
 in module PkgBenchmark
ERROR: UndefVarError: JULIA_HOME not defined
 [1] BenchmarkConfig() at /Users/mforets/.julia/packages/PkgBenchmark/9X8l2/src/benchmarkconfig.jl:51
 [2] benchmarkpkg(::String) at /Users/mforets/.julia/packages/PkgBenchmark/9X8l2/src/runbenchmark.jl:42
 [3] top-level scope at none:0
mforets commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, PkgBenchmark doesn't seem to be ready yet in v0.7; i get

This is probably fixed in