acroy / Expokit.jl

Julia implementation of EXPOKIT routines
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expmv vs. expv #36

Open acroy opened 6 years ago

acroy commented 6 years ago

In Julia 1.0 the matrix exponential is done via exp and not expm as before. To have a consistent naming I would suggest to rename expmv and phimv.

garrison commented 6 years ago

But then what is the v for without the m?

acroy commented 6 years ago

Good question. To me, since exp computes the exponential of something, expv would give the exponential times a vector. But I don't know if that makes sense?

pochoi commented 6 years ago

In the original Expokit package

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  MATLAB  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chbv.m               Chebyshev algorithm for w = exp(t*A)v
padm.m               irreducible Pade algorithm for exp(t*A)
phiv.m               Krylov algorithm for w = exp(t*A)*v + t*phi(t*A)u
expv.m               Krylov algorithm for w = exp(t*A)*v
mexpv.m              Markov algorithm for w = exp(t*A)*v

A better reason for renaming could be that we follow the original convention.