acshk / acsccid

acsccid is a PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X and it supports ACS CCID smart card readers. This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation and communicates with the readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd).
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
104 stars 19 forks source link

CCID unknown when updating file in smartcard (extended APDU) #15

Closed nunomarks closed 4 years ago

nunomarks commented 5 years ago

When performing an update on a file with a 32Kb APDU (extended APDU), the following error is shown on pcscd logs:

pcscd[14964]: 00000000 commands.c:1523:CCID_Receive Unknown CCID error: 0xC3
pcscd[14964]: 00000029 ifdwrapper.c:543:IFDTransmit() Card not transacted: 612
pcscd[14964]: 00000006 winscard.c:1626:SCardTransmit() Card not transacted: 0x80100016

And the card capabilities are as follows:

  Tag: 7, len: 3 (card capabilities)
  Selection methods: 84
    - DF selection by full DF name
    - Short EF identifier supported
  Data coding byte: 01
    - Behaviour of write functions: one-time write
    - Value 'FF' for the first byte of BER-TLV tag fields: invalid
    - Data unit in quartets: 2
  Command chaining, length fields and logical channels: E0
    - Command chaining
    - Extended Lc and Le fields
    - RFU (should not happen)
    - Logical channel number assignment: No logical channel
    - Maximum number of logical channels: 1

Which means the card supports extended APDUs. I also have the NFC reader documentation and it supports extended Lc and Le fields.

Additional information:

ACS CCID Driver version: 1.1.6-1
PCSClite version: 1.8.24-1

Output of the command /usr/sbin/pcscd --version:

pcsc-lite version 1.8.24.
Copyright (C) 1999-2002 by David Corcoran <>.
Copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Ludovic Rousseau <>.
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Damien Sauveron <>.
Report bugs to <>.
Enabled features: Linux x86_64-pc-linux-gnu libsystemd serial usb libudev usbdropdir=/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers ipcdir=/var/run/pcscd configdir=/etc/reader.conf.d


 Linux 4.15.0-20-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 06:16:15 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Standard compatible PC with following hardware:

H/W path       Device      Class          Description
                           system         Computer
/0                         bus            Motherboard
/0/0                       memory         7854MiB System memory
/0/1                       processor      Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
/0/100                     bridge         3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller
/0/100/2                   display        3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller
/0/100/14                  bus            7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI Host Controller
/0/100/16                  communication  7 Series/C216 Chipset Family MEI Controller #1
/0/100/16.3                communication  7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family KT Controller
/0/100/19      enp0s25     network        82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
/0/100/1a                  bus            7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2
/0/100/1b                  multimedia     7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller
/0/100/1c                  bridge         7 Series/C216 Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1
/0/100/1c/0                generic        MMC/SD Host Controller
/0/100/1c.1                bridge         7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 2
/0/100/1c.2                bridge         7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3
/0/100/1c.2/0  wlp4s0      network        Centrino Wireless-N 2230
/0/100/1c.5                bridge         7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 6
/0/100/1c.5/0              bus            uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller
/0/100/1d                  bus            7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1
/0/100/1f                  bridge         QM77 Express Chipset LPC Controller
/0/100/1f.2                storage        7 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller [AHCI mode]
/0/2           scsi2       storage        
/0/2/0.0.0     /dev/cdrom  disk           DVD-RAM UJ8E2

Smartcard reader name: ACR1252U USB NFC Reader III Smartcard reader manufacturer: ACS Smartcard: STARCOS version 3.5 from G&D (NFC smartcard)

Some logs when I try to perform binary update of a file: Logs: log.txt GDB backtrace: gdb_backtrace.txt

Additionally the exception that happens on code:

javax.smartcardio.CardException: SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED
at java.smartcardio/
at java.smartcardio/
at com.multicert.project.chipenc.apdubuilder.cardcomm.CardCommTest.testUpdateFileBinary(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(
at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(
at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(
at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(
at com.intellij.junit4.JUnit4IdeaTestRunner.startRunnerWithArgs(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.IdeaTestRunner$Repeater.startRunnerWithArgs(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter.main(
at java.smartcardio/ Method)
at java.smartcardio/
... 24 more

Also I should note, if it's a normal-sized APDU (not extended), it works.

Is this an issue?


godfreychung commented 5 years ago

Yes, it seems to be an issue. Can you provide the firmware version of the reader?

nunomarks commented 5 years ago

The current firmware version is:

Firmware version: 41 43 52 31 32 35 32 55 5F 56 31 30 37
Firmware version (ASCII): ACR1252U_V107
godfreychung commented 5 years ago

According to my colleague, the reader returns 0xC3 if it receives invalid block from the card. It may be firmware or card issue. Would you mind sending a sample card to us for reproducing the problem?