acshk / acsccid

acsccid is a PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X and it supports ACS CCID smart card readers. This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation and communicates with the readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd).
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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ACR 1281-u : Unable to load mifare key #32

Closed Sukhoimaster closed 1 year ago

Sukhoimaster commented 1 year ago

Failed while using APDU on ISO 14443-4 A Card ; Mifare load key [0xFF, 0x82, 0x00, 0x20, 0x06] + hex(key)



With error ; Failed to transmit with protocol T1. Transaction failed. using the pyscard API Force using T0_protocol were also FAILED

The failed card ATR ;(3B 89 80 01 D0 05 00 03 00 5E BB 00 00 3B) Fetch via ACS Quickview Tools Failed Card ATR

Failed process at line 1146 log_acr1281-u_failed.txt

Below is the

Success sample

Using the same environment setup but with different card _(Mifare+ SL14k)

The success card ATR ; (3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03 00 37 00 00 00 00 5C)

mifare+ 4k Here's the succeed process log ; log_acr1281-u.txt

Another approach

Using another environment setup (latest/stable release) as below ; -acsccid ; 1.1.8 -pcscd ; 1.9.9 -libusb ; 1.0.26 -pyscard ; 2.0.5

Changes of environment setup has done with proper install & removal/uninstall step. e.g: apt autoremove , make uninstall , make distclean , configure.

Also getting the same problem with the ISO 14443-4 A Card but SUCCESS with _(Mifare+ SL14k)

I did also try replace acsccid with ccid `1.5.0' release from @LudovicRousseau

  • since the latest release is now supporting the ACR1281-U
  • Resulting the same as above
godfreychung commented 1 year ago

According to your card ATR (3B 89 80 01 D0 05 00 03 00 5E BB 00 00 3B), it is not a Mifare card. Therefore, the load key command cannot be used.

Sukhoimaster commented 1 year ago

I was told the card is DESFIRE EV2 loaded with Mifare+ data and configuration, Any source of getting the supported APDU command. Since in the ACR1281-u API DOCUMENTATION only explaining very short about ISO 14443-4 A

godfreychung commented 1 year ago

You need to contact NXP for the reference manual.

Sukhoimaster commented 1 year ago

Okay , Thanks for your time