acsone / manifestoo-core

A library to reason about Odoo addons manifests.
MIT License
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Download core addons list at runtime #72

Open sbidoul opened 1 month ago

sbidoul commented 1 month ago

Currently, the list of Odoo CE and EE core addons is part of the code, and must be updated regularly, which is a burden.

Alternatively, we could consider downloading this information at runtime.

A few thoughts:

aisopuro commented 1 month ago

To clarify for me, is it necessary for manifestoo-core to know the core/enterprise addons even in contexts where these are not installed?

I.e. does it have to have a static list to compare with? Could it not simply do something like (not exactly this but hopefully my meaning is clear):

def _get_core_addons(odoo_series: OdooSeries, odoo_edition: OdooEdition) -> Set[str]:
    from odoo import addons
    return as_list_of_strings(addons.__path__)
sbidoul commented 1 month ago

Yes it's a necessary feature of the lib. For instance whool needs it to know it to know if a depends in an addon manifest needs to translate to odoo-addon-... or odoo (for core addons).

sbidoul commented 1 month ago

Also to implement manifestoo list-depends --ignore-core-addons, etc...

aisopuro commented 1 month ago

I see. Could we mitigate this issue by having both? If manifestoo detects an installed odoo/enterprise, it would pull the addons lists from there, otherwise it would fall back to either the current system or possibly a network request like you suggested.

My use case is that we are packaging Odoo inside a docker image, alongside some generally useful addons. In my use case I would prefer manifestoo-core to exactly know what is available: for example if I somehow end up trying to install an old version of Odoo core, but a new version of enterprise, I would want the build to fail since enterprise is missing a dependency l10n_ng, which my outdated core doesn't include.

sbidoul commented 1 month ago

Could we mitigate this issue by having both? If manifestoo detects an installed odoo/enterprise, it would pull the addons lists from there, otherwise it would fall back to either the current system or possibly a network request like you suggested.

I don't think that's possible

But in your case, if you know the directories where Odoo CE and EE addons are located, you could use something like manifestoo --select-addon-dir=./odoo/addons --select-addon-dir=./enterprise list and/or list-depends and script your way from these.

aisopuro commented 1 month ago

OK. In that case my vote would probably be for the GitHub action, as that seems like the minimal change overall:

As to the implementation: