acszo / Redomi

🎶 client to open songs from different platforms to your favourite one
GNU General Public License v3.0
193 stars 3 forks source link

Put it up on Fdroid or Izzydroid #18

Open SleepDaemon opened 3 days ago

SleepDaemon commented 3 days ago

Feature description

to make it easy for power users to keep up with new updates, perhaps put the app on Fdroid or izzyondroid repo.

Why do you want it?

to make it easy for power users to keep up with new updates, perhaps put the app on Fdroid or izzyondroid repo.

Additional context

dont know for izzyondroid

AntsyBoi commented 2 days ago


If you are an open-source developer and wish your app(s) included, be welcome to contact us – which is ideally done via the Maintenance Repo at GitLab where you can also find the inclusion policy. You can also find us at our new presence at Codeberg.Org – where we are currently moving to, plan to make more and more parts of our framework & tools available, and in the future also hope for more community collaboration.

Other ways to contact us can be found e.g. from the Imprint at the IzzyOnDroid Android site – or at our new presence at Codeberg.Org.

acszo commented 2 days ago

Just requested on izzyondroid, as for f-droid, it will prob have to wait because I might add a flavour for it of the app, will see