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Accessibility conformance testing rules for HTML
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"Links with identical accessible names and same context serve equivalent purpose" [fd3a94]: Failed example 2 does not have **same** context #2175

Open Jym77 opened 2 months ago

Jym77 commented 2 months ago

Failed example 2 is:

<html lang="en">
    <p>W3C pages for ACT:</p>
    <p><a href="">ACT rules</a></p>
    <p>Community group for ACT:</p>
    <p><a href="">ACT rules</a></p>

However, the contexts of the links here are identical, but not the exact same (elements, …) which goes against the first Background note (and the Applicability). See also #1864.

It's not completely trivial to turn it into a valid failed example, because:

<html lang="en">
          <span>W3C pages for ACT: <a href="">ACT rules</a></span><br />
      <span>Community group for ACT: <a href="">ACT rules</a></span>

feels like the start of the sentence is disambiguating (even though with our definition of context, they do have the same context (which may be a problem with that definition, see #2176…))