act28 / pia-openvpn-proxy

An Alpine Linux docker container running Privoxy and OpenVPN via Private Internet Access
19 stars 9 forks source link

ERROR: No such file or directory #3

Closed Silversurfer79 closed 4 years ago

Silversurfer79 commented 4 years ago

ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory (errno=2) Exiting due to fatal error

Any ideas?

act28 commented 4 years ago


  1. OS type and docker versions?
  2. Describe the steps required to replicate the issue?
  3. Provide the container's log output?
Silversurfer79 commented 4 years ago
  1. OS is Synology - DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 4 Docker Version - 18.09.0-0506
  2. Download image, Launch Container, Add port (8888 local) - internal (8118 default), Add User / Password and Region (UK London), UID and GID added (UID: 1001 - GID: 2001) wihtout image wont boot and added local netwrok (LOCAL_NETWORK in my case
  3. will do shortly - after i clean them
Silversurfer79 commented 4 years ago

Didnt have admin permissions enabled, that sorted it ;-)