actboy168 / lua-debug

Lua Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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print(package.path) != %LUA_PATH% ( 1.38.0 on Win10, 64bit ) #136

Closed hemmerling closed 3 years ago

hemmerling commented 3 years ago

When executing a LUA script. print(package.path) should print the contents of the environment variable LUA_PATH. On Win10pro, 64-bit, this should be - on my Win10 system, my choice for LUA_PATH - ./;.\?.lua;.\?\init.lua;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\luarocks\share\lua\5.3\?.lua;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\luarocks\share\lua\5.3\?\init.lua; By this, the LUA script may process require("module") statements, both of local modules and of modules installed by LuaRocks. This is true on my computer when running LUA scripts by POWERSHELL or CMD shell, or if I use some other VSC LUA debugger plugins. ( Some other VSC LUA debuggers add some extra string data to this string, by this a LUA script may find out that it is running in VSC and not in a shell.. ).

Indeed, VisualStudioCode with "lua-debug 1.38.0" prints the LUA style path to the current working directory, with "/?.lua" added. Example: C:\Users\Administrator\MyLuaWorkingDirectory/?.lua , while executing the LUA script C:\Users\Administrator\MyLuaWorkingDirectory/test.lua

ISSUE: By this, VisualStudioCode with "lua-debug 1.38.0" fails to process require("module") statements, if the module was installed by LuaRocks.

Just by special trick to add ./; to the LUA_PATH string, I am able to process require("module") statements, if the module is a local module, situated in the LUA working directory where the LUA script is situated which "requires" a module. Please note that "/" and not "\" and neither "\" is needed so that this trick works.

WORKAROUND, but no solution: if I add the statement package.path = package.path .. ";C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\luarocks\\share\\lua\\5.3\\?.lua" to my code, require("module") statements are processed properly also for modules installed by LuaRocks.

FIX NEEDED: Please implement that print(package.path) prints the contents of the environment variable LUA_PATH

actboy168 commented 3 years ago

Add path in launch.json, it can specify package.path.

hemmerling commented 3 years ago
  1. Thanks for another workaround, might you specify a working example of launch.json?
  2. But it would be great to fix this, without help of launch.json anyhow, ok ?! :-). Some other VSC debuggers do it right.

I need your debug plugin, as the VSC LuaUnit plugin depends on it...

actboy168 commented 3 years ago
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "lua",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "debug",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/test.lua",
            "path": "${env:LUA_PATH}
hemmerling commented 3 years ago

Thanks, it works!

But as using such launch.json files is not comfortable, please fix your code too, please.

actboy168 commented 3 years ago

Nothing needs to be fixed, the design is just that.

hemmerling commented 3 years ago

On Windows, with LuaDebug 1.40.0, Your fix with "path" works by the VSC debug option "Debug (Script)".

With the JSON debugging configuration "Debug Current Script", this does not work. Maybe you could upgrade your launch.json file a) for a valid "Debug Current Script" configuration b) for all configurations, attach the path fix, which works well.

But if I change the debugger or change the file to be debugged, its most easy to start with a new launch.json file, and so I don´t like to fix it each time...

actboy168 commented 3 years ago

You can modify the default value of path in the settings.

hemmerling commented 3 years ago

1) THANKS alot, LUA_PATH problem solved.

( I beg your pardon, I am newbie to VSC, especially for configuration with extension settings & launch.json )

2) I just discovered your LUA_CPATH Extension settings :-), great.

3) I am still confused, that the setting


which is a total POWERSHELL-WINDOWS statement, also works for DebianLinux, if entered in the Extension Settings or in launch.json. Might you be so kind and explain how you did it, and why it works with your plugin? I thought I must enter different syntax for Linux...

4) Extension Settings, suggestion Lua / Debug / Settings: CPath => Lua / Debug / Settings:LUA_CPATH Lua / Debug / Settings: Path => Lua / Debug / Settings:LUA_PATH to make it more clear that thats the place for the LUA variables, not for the standard os path :-)

And please mention the Powershell-alike Syntax which is also valid for Linux, in the documentation.

actboy168 commented 3 years ago

This is a feature of vscode.

hemmerling commented 3 years ago

Cool ! Thanks for the comprehensive answer :-)