actboy168 / lua-debug

Lua Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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using stock lua binary #287

Open fikin opened 3 months ago

fikin commented 3 months ago

plugin provided binary does not contain bit32 module compiled with it.

in past i'd simply replace ~/.vscode/extensions/actboy168.lua-debug-2.0.4-linux-x64/runtime/linux-x64/lua53/lua with actual one provided by OS i.e. /usr/bin/lua5.3. and vscode debugger was working.

but now if i do that, vscode debugger hangs i.e. fails to attach to the lua process.

any suggestions what is the problem?

actboy168 commented 3 months ago

You can use Lua compiled by yourself.

fikin commented 3 months ago

if there is nothing specific to lua binary, my guess would be that vscode debugger session does not connect with the running process. hence the hanging.

is there anything which might impact this when replacing lua binary with generic distro one (like from debian repos)?