acteng / schema

Data schema and associated test data, code, ideas
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Crossings #19

Open dabreegster opened 1 year ago

dabreegster commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking through (plus the changes in Robin's current PR) so far.

Part of Brian's crossing scoring guide that I vaguely remember was "does this match the desire line of pedestrians"? A flagrant violation I remember spotting last time in Leeds is Should we consider adding a boolean here to capture this? (Let's not yet worry about the question of how we fill it out for pre-existing crossings or plans submitted without this judgment.)

And also, can we define PCU?

dabreegster commented 1 year ago

For signalized crossings...

dabreegster commented 1 year ago

It's hopefully always true, but does the crossing have appropriate ramp/slope in all places? Whether it's a kerb cut, or the crossing itself a raised bit of pavement.

dabreegster commented 1 year ago

(Possibly a good question for the inspections team -- when they audit in person or look at plans online, is there a checklist of things they look for? If there's anything written up somewhere, this can directly tell us if we're missing some details!)

dabreegster commented 1 year ago

Geometrically, what do we want to see for crossings? I remember an argument for encouraging just a point in ATIP, for simplicity. In OSM, we usually have line-strings. Width of the crossing also matters, from personal experience -- do we want min/max/average width as an attribute, or perhaps a more detailed polygon sometimes?

Robinlovelace commented 1 year ago

All good questions. Some of this may be out of scope for the schema, which will be a balance between detail and ease-of-use, but all really interesting thoughts that I'm sure the inspections team will have some thoughts on.

robinlovelace-ate commented 1 year ago

From Inspections team:

Four broad types:

-Grade separated

-Signalised (pegasus, puffin & toucan)

-Priority (zebra, school (?) and parallel)

-Uncontrolled (refuges, dropped kerbs, tactiles)