actionhero / ah-sequelize-plugin

sequelize plugin for actionhero
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Public Class Fields in Sequelize V6 #719

Open mfvargo opened 5 days ago

mfvargo commented 5 days ago

Example models in this plugin will not work correctly with Sequelize v6 as per

Caveat with Public Class Fields Adding a Public Class Field with the same name as one of the model's attribute is going to cause issues. Sequelize adds a getter & a setter for each attribute defined through Model.init. Adding a Public Class Field will shadow those getter and setters, blocking access to the model's actual data.

The models need a declare before the field name so the type can be specified without colliding with the inferred model getter/setter from the Sequelize base Model.

@Table({ tableName: "users", paranoid: true })
export class User extends Model {
  saltRounds = 10;

  @Column({ primaryKey: true })
  guid: string;

  firstName: string;


should be

@Table({ tableName: "users", paranoid: true })
export class User extends Model {
  saltRounds = 10;

  @Column({ primaryKey: true })
  declare guid: string;
  declare firstName: string;
evantahler commented 4 days ago

Looks like a conflict between seqelize and sequelize-typescript. I wonder if we don't need sequelize-typescript any more?

mfvargo commented 4 days ago

I did a quick attempt by

  1. comment out the @Column line for a simple fields called name on one of my models. That caused other spots in the model definition to crash when trying to access as undefined.
  2. I then tried to just comment out the @Column before the declare but left the declare in. This let me access but it was shadowing the setter/getter from sequelize so the value was not getting saved to db.

I will try to define a model without sequelize-typescript to see if I still get typed returns etc. I have to pick an easy one without many foreign keys and hooks.