actionless / awesome_config

config for AwesomeWM
GNU General Public License v3.0
229 stars 13 forks source link

Very awesome!But I can't install #13

Closed sinoon closed 9 years ago

sinoon commented 9 years ago

Very awesome config , I was deep impressive.

I fellow the guild in README , when I finished and restart awesome occur error

Oops, there were errors during startup!
error while running function
stac traceback:
    ...noon/.config/awesoome/third_party/revelation/init.lua:340 in function 'init'
    /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/config/keys.lua:21 in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/config/init.lua:8: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/rc.lua:70: in main chunk
error: ...noon/.config/awesome/third_party/revelation/init.lua:340 attempt to concatenate field 'fg_normal' (a nil value)

Should I found a theme that theme.lua have the 'fg_normal'?

sinoon commented 9 years ago

My awesome version

awesome v3.5.6 (For Those About To Rock)
 • Build: Jan 14 2015 20:56:29 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.8.2 (buildd@lgw01-04)
 • Compiled against Lua 5.1.5 (running with Lua 5.1)
 • D-Bus support: ✔

Ubuntu 14.04

actionless commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I am using awesome from git master but that problem seems unrelated.

Can you please attach xrdb -query output? I guess you don't have terminal colorscheme set in ~/.Xresources (i will add fallback values to the theme now)

actionless commented 9 years ago

added ( )

sinoon commented 9 years ago

Very thoughtful , Thank you.

xrdb -query output:

*customization: -color
Xft.antialias:  1
Xft.dpi:    96
Xft.hinting:    1
Xft.hintstyle:  hintslight
Xft.rgba:   rgb

When I restart awesome , no long show this error.

I'm sorry I have less knowledge about awesome.

But now I got a anther error:

Oops, an error happened!
/home/sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/helpers.lua:38: attempt to call field 'timer' (a nil value)
Oops, there were errors during startup!
error while running function
stack tracceback:
     /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/helpgers.lua:38: in function 'newinterval'
    ...sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/widgets/netctl.lua:105: in function <...sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/widgets/netctl.lua:18>
    (tail call):?
    /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/config/widgets.lua:33: in function 'init'
    /home/sinoon/.config/awesome/rc.lua:76: in main chunk
error:/home/sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/helpers.lua:38: attempt to call field 'timer'(a nil value)

it's seem like call a function that no exist. I don't how it happened.

so , I open helpers.lua and find line 38

local timer = gears.timer({ timeout = timeout })

But in my computer /usr/share/awesome/lib/gears , timer.lua doesn't exist , only have: color.lua,debug.lua,init.lua,object.lua,sort.lua,surface.lua,wallpaper.lua

Is my awesome version wrong? or because my awesome install by PPA?

actionless commented 9 years ago

that's because i am using awesome from git master, i put a workaround for that now:

and about xrdb output, it looks like you don't have terminal colorscheme in your .Xresources (it's used by xterm and rxvt), you can grab one for example from

sinoon commented 9 years ago

I'm so sorry about it ...

Another error

Oops, an error happened!
...e/sinoon/.config/awesome/actionless/widgets/temp.lua:34: attempt to compare number with nil
Oops, an error happened!,lua:42: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected,got nil)

Yesterday,I restart awesome success with error by remove some widgets,but,then that is ugly...

I'm so sorry taken too much you time , maybe I can't use you config , default config is good enough for me.I give up..

With all of my respect , thank you ~!

actionless commented 9 years ago

about temp and bat: either upower or lm-sensors (i think i should add that to the readme) are not installed, either widget target is not exists (ie sensor name or battery name)

i think it would be easier to contact each other via jabber or IRC