actionless / pikaur

AUR helper with minimal dependencies. Review PKGBUILDs all in once, next build them all without user interaction.
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Add pacman extension options (-r, -a) #26

Closed XavierCLL closed 6 years ago

XavierCLL commented 6 years ago

The pacman extension options implemented in pacaur are so useful: (-a, --aur) and (-r, --repo)

actionless commented 6 years ago

should it be applied only for -Ss, -Su/-Syu, -Qu, -Qs or also for some other options?

XavierCLL commented 6 years ago

pacaur implemented it for search, build, install, upgrade and clean, apart from the ones you mention, I think only one is missing: -Sc

actionless commented 6 years ago

right, haven't considered it because it's not implemented in pikaur now

actionless commented 6 years ago
begin pacman -Sh ; pacman -Qh ; end | grep -e " -[ra]"
  -r, --root <path>    set an alternate installation root
  -r, --root <path>    set an alternate installation root
actionless commented 6 years ago

also i am not sure it makes sense to apply it to -Qs since i don't a reliable way to determine from where the package was installed

rmarquis commented 6 years ago

I think only one is missing: -Sc

No, pacaur implements it for -Sc too. Pacaur overrides the short -r flag of pacman, but still allows the original --root long option.

@actionless Yes, you shouldn't try to find the origin of that package anyway. These --aur and --repo options make sense when you want to restrict the operation to a specific source, but -Qs has only one source and that is the local database.

XavierCLL commented 6 years ago

yeah, -Qs is only for local database, isn't necessary.

XavierCLL commented 6 years ago

Hi @actionless, I test it and works perfectly with --aur and --repo but not with contraction -a and -r, for example, it is very useful for use in combination with -Ssr or -Ssa

actionless commented 6 years ago

i don't like the idea of overriding pacman's -r

actionless commented 6 years ago

just noticed what i forgot to implement it for -Sc/-Scc, fixed

actionless commented 6 years ago

i'm reopening this in order to add -a flag for --aur since it seems to be quite popular among users migrating over from yaourt/pacaur

but i still don't like to add -r flag for --repo to not override pacman

rmarquis commented 6 years ago

Note that --root and -r will be soon deprecated (replaced by --sysroot), and -r will not be used by pacman anymore.

actionless commented 6 years ago

thanks for info! for now on i'll add only -a and so will add -r as soon as pacman will deprecate it