actions-on-google / actions-on-google-testing-nodejs

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Is it possible to use ActionsOnGoogle class only? #31

Closed ujja closed 5 years ago

ujja commented 5 years ago


We want to integrate just ActionsOnGoogle class. (We are developing a chat testing framework Botium, and want to add GoogleActions into it, without AVA.)

If Im using it direct, I got error message "Test files must be run with the AVA CLI" and exit from node_modules/ava/lib/test-worker.js

But if I copy ActionsOnGoogle class into my project, then I'm able to use it.

Is it planned to separate ActionsOnGoogle from AVA?

Thank you!

Fleker commented 5 years ago

While the ActionsOnGoogle class is a direct implementation of the Google Assistant SDK, and can be used as such, we aren't planning a separate implementation or distribution of it in an Node.js package. But you can see how we did it, primarily loading the protobufs through gRPC.