actions / attest-build-provenance

Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
MIT License
392 stars 324 forks source link

Add instructions for verifying the attestations using `cosign` #162

Open iainlane opened 4 months ago

iainlane commented 4 months ago

Thanks for this action and all the work on the whole infrastructure setup. 🙂

I'm just starting to attempt to generate SBOM and provenance attestations (this part using this action), sign my images and push them to the registry. I've been working with a test image of one of our projects: grafana/wait-for-github:iainlane-attestation-test (here is the latest build log).

gh attestation verify works:

laney@melton> GH_DEBUG=1 gh attestation verify -R grafana/wait-for-github oci://grafana/wait-for-github:iainlane-attestation-test
Loaded digest sha256:360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662 for oci://grafana/wait-for-github:iainlane-attestation-test
Fetching attestations for artifact digest sha256:360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662

* Request at 2024-07-26 08:59:09.609515 +0100 BST m=+0.939990460
* Request to
* Request took 254.894208ms
Loaded 1 attestation from GitHub API
Verifying attestation 1/1 against the configured Sigstore trust roots
Attempting verification against issuer ""
SUCCESS - attestation signature verified with ""

✓ Verification succeeded!

sha256:360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662 was attested by:
REPO                     PREDICATE_TYPE                  WORKFLOW                                       
grafana/wait-for-github  .github/workflows/build.yml@refs/pull/130/merge

What I'm wondering is how to do the same using cosign. In the build log I can see:

Attestation uploaded to registry

And indeed I can see this reference with e.g. docker buildx imagetools inspect. But when I try to verify or download the attestation I end up with a 404:

laney@melton> cosign --verbose download attestation grafana/wait-for-github:iainlane-attestation-test
# ...
2024/07/26 09:02:35 --> GET
2024/07/26 09:02:35 GET /v2/grafana/wait-for-github/manifests/sha256-360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662.att HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: cosign/v2.3.0 (darwin; arm64) go-containerregistry/v0.20.1
Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json,application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+prettyjws,application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json,application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json,application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json,application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json
Authorization: <redacted>
Accept-Encoding: gzip

2024/07/26 09:02:35 <-- 404 (95.813542ms)
2024/07/26 09:02:35 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 169
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:02:35 GMT
Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0
Docker-Ratelimit-Source: redacted
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

{"errors":[{"code":"MANIFEST_UNKNOWN","message":"manifest unknown","detail":"unknown tag=sha256-360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662.att"}]}

Error: found no attestations
main.go:74: error during command execution: found no attestations

With my naive understanding, it looks like it's not being found from the tag's manifest. Am I doing something wrong, or is this not expected to work currently?

To make this an issue rather than a question --- if this is possible to do, it'd be a nice example to have in the README 🙂

bdehamer commented 4 months ago

It isn't yet possible to use cosign to verify the attestations generated by this action.

However, this is something that we're actively working on. The incompatibility largely stems from the fact that we're using the Sigstore Bundle format for packaging the attestation, but cosign doesn't yet have support for bundles.

There's a PR open already for adding bundle support to the verify-blob and verify-blob-attestation sub commands. Keep an eye out for additional PRs in the near future.

At soon as this work is complete we will definitely update our docs to show examples of using cosgin to verify our build provenance attestations.

iainlane commented 3 months ago

Cheers for the hint @bdehamer. I saw the linked PR got merged and it prompted me to have a go at this, mainly for curiosity. I didn't actually manage to make it work with cosign, but did work in the end 👍

Here's how, for anyone who is interested I'm sure this isn't the ideal way, even with current tooling, but I was happy to have muddled through. 🙂 ```console $ BUNDLE_MANIFEST_DIGEST=$(oras discover --format json | jq --raw-output '.manifests[] | select (.annotations["dev.sigstore.bundle.predicateType"] == "").digest') $ echo ${BUNDLE_MANIFEST_DIGEST} sha256:1fdab504a0700ee12b2537d75d329bee920a88a1f96ee5b20fa9cb749bfc213b $ eval $(jq -r ' "SIGSTORE_BUNDLE_DIGEST=\(.layers[0].digest | @sh)\n" + "IMAGE_INDEX_DIGEST=\(.subject.digest | @sh)" ' <(oras manifest fetch "${BUNDLE_MANIFEST_DIGEST}")) $ echo ${SIGSTORE_BUNDLE_DIGEST} sha256:f239c387b258c8bf98c9796af9d5617dba25cf898c42893ef64628c116a84df9 $ echo ${IMAGE_INDEX_DIGEST} sha256:360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662 $ oras blob fetch --output ~/temp/bundle${SIGSTORE_BUNDLE_DIGEST} ✓ Downloaded application/octet-stream 10/10 kB 100.00% 0s └─ sha256:f239c387b258c8bf98c9796af9d5617dba25cf898c42893ef64628c116a84df9 $ go run cmd/sigstore-go/main.go -artifact-digest "${IMAGE_INDEX_DIGEST#sha256:*}" -expectedIssuer -expectedSAN ~/temp/bundle Verification successful! ``` ```json { "mediaType": "application/;version=0.1", "statement": { "_type": "", "predicateType": "", "subject": [ { "name": "", "digest": { "sha256": "360587aa9781d76b825f65f56f40738ceaf79b5ef5996b4b121c7544c9f7d662" } } ], "predicate": { "buildDefinition": { "buildType": "", "externalParameters": { "workflow": { "path": ".github/workflows/build.yml", "ref": "refs/pull/130/merge", "repository": "" } }, "internalParameters": { "github": { "event_name": "pull_request", "repository_id": "577382444", "repository_owner_id": "7195757", "runner_environment": "github-hosted" } }, "resolvedDependencies": [ { "digest": { "gitCommit": "2cbda36b5cec403a6ae33ee2aec33e52d28a9905" }, "uri": "git+" } ] }, "runDetails": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "metadata": { "invocationId": "" } } } }, "signature": { "certificate": { "certificateIssuer": "CN=sigstore-intermediate,", "subjectAlternativeName": "", "issuer": "", "githubWorkflowTrigger": "pull_request", "githubWorkflowSHA": "2cbda36b5cec403a6ae33ee2aec33e52d28a9905", "githubWorkflowName": "Build", "githubWorkflowRepository": "grafana/wait-for-github", "githubWorkflowRef": "refs/pull/130/merge", "buildSignerURI": "", "buildSignerDigest": "2cbda36b5cec403a6ae33ee2aec33e52d28a9905", "runnerEnvironment": "github-hosted", "sourceRepositoryURI": "", "sourceRepositoryDigest": "2cbda36b5cec403a6ae33ee2aec33e52d28a9905", "sourceRepositoryRef": "refs/pull/130/merge", "sourceRepositoryIdentifier": "577382444", "sourceRepositoryOwnerURI": "", "sourceRepositoryOwnerIdentifier": "7195757", "buildConfigURI": "", "buildConfigDigest": "2cbda36b5cec403a6ae33ee2aec33e52d28a9905", "buildTrigger": "pull_request", "runInvocationURI": "", "sourceRepositoryVisibilityAtSigning": "public" } }, "verifiedTimestamps": [ { "type": "Tlog", "uri": "TODO", "timestamp": "2024-07-26T08:24:45+01:00" } ], "verifiedIdentity": { "subjectAlternativeName": { "subjectAlternativeName": "" }, "issuer": { "issuer": "" } } } ```
tinaheidinger commented 2 months ago

A how-to was recently published in the Sigstore blog:

fmoessbauer commented 2 months ago

Based on the howto in the sigstore blog, I created a howto for container images. This is even a bit simpler and also covers the case of bit-by-bit reproducible containers (which are not quite common yet).

Howto verify a container image For this example, we use the [siemens/kas]( docker container. As this container is 100% bit-by-bit reproducible, you can easily fork the project and let the GitHub Actions CI re-create the exact same containers we ship. ## Tools used - [regctl]( to interact with the raw artifacts of an OCI registry - cosign >= 2.4.0 ## Verify the official kas container image First, download the manifest file a given tag (in this case 4.5) points to: ```bash export TAG=4.5 regctl manifest get --format raw-body${TAG} > manifest.json ``` The container digest is just the sha256 checksum of the index manifest (for multi-arch containers), or the image manifest otherwise. As does not yet support the referrers API, the link between the attestation bundle and the container is done by a tag: The attestation is tagged as `sha256-`. First compute this, then download the attestation with `regctl`. ```bash DIGEST="sha256-$(sha256sum manifest.json | awk '{ print $1 }')" regctl artifact get${DIGEST} > bundle.json ``` We have all data needed for the verification. ```bash cosign verify-blob-attestation --bundle bundle.json --new-bundle-format --certificate-oidc-issuer="" --certificate-identity-regexp="^${TAG}" manifest.json # Verified OK ``` ## Verify reproducible kas container rebuild Since kas 4.4 both our containers (image manifest) as well as our index manifests are 100% reproducible. This however does not apply to the attestations (for obvious reasons). This can be seen nicely in the following example, were we perform the same steps but against my fork of kas: ```bash regctl manifest get --format raw-body${TAG} > manifest.rebuild.json ``` Cross-check, that both manifests are identical. The kas container is 100% bit-by-bit reproducible, including the index manifest. ```bash sha256sum manifest.* # 1bf421652ed769134ec401add491ae6bc6f7b7c6f26c8b1fe12d15e318355563 manifest.json # 1bf421652ed769134ec401add491ae6bc6f7b7c6f26c8b1fe12d15e318355563 manifest.rebuild.json ``` But the attestations are not - for obvious reasons ```bash regctl artifact get${DIGEST} > bundle.rebuild.json ``` now verify with above command ```bash cosign verify-blob-attestation --bundle bundle.rebuild.json --new-bundle-format --certificate-oidc-issuer="" --certificate-identity-regexp="^${TAG}" manifest.rebuild.json # Error: failed to verify certificate identity: no matching CertificateIdentity found, last error: expected SAN value to match regex "^", got "" # main.go:74: error during command execution: failed to verify certificate identity: no matching CertificateIdentity found, last error: expected SAN value to match regex "^", got "" ``` The subject prefix which contains the workflow is different, as this was build by the GitHub Actions workflow from the fork.