actions / runner-images

GitHub Actions runner images
MIT License
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pipeline failing with An error occurred while provisioning resources (Error Type: Failure). The remote provider was unable to process the request. #2575

Closed somiya9868 closed 3 years ago

somiya9868 commented 3 years ago

The azure pipeline is failing with error

"An error occurred while provisioning resources (Error Type: Failure). The remote provider was unable to process the request."  

Area for Triage:

Question, Bug, or Feature?:

Virtual environments affected

Expected behavior
The pipeline should have executed with no issues.

Actual behavior
Suddenly few pipelines stopped running with the mentioned error.

Repro steps
A description with steps to reproduce the issue. If your have a public example or repo to share, please provide the link.

  1. ran the pipeline with Image: ubuntu-latest
hosseinabbasi-mryum commented 1 year ago

Apparently, no one looks at a closed issue 😒

I've opened a new one, let's see if anyone looks at that one eventually:

P.S. although that seem like a different error than the original error in this issue, at least seems the same as what people have started experiencing today.

kchilka-msft commented 1 year ago

I tried running it again (US region) and it worked for me now! I didnt make any changes btw

BrainSlugs83 commented 1 year ago

Same. Started working again without any changes on my end. -- It was broken for a few days and then started working again. Never noticed any reported outage either. 😟

Manjunathrepo commented 1 year ago

Getting below error for Azure pipeline vmImage used is ubuntu latest

[error]The hosted runner encountered an error while running your job. (Error Type: Disconnect).

[warning]Received request to deprovision: The request was cancelled by the remote provider.

Intermittently getting this issue, plz help