actions / runner-images

GitHub Actions runner images
MIT License
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unzip not available to workflow execution #9714

Closed TristanB1994 closed 1 week ago

TristanB1994 commented 1 week ago


The self hosted runner still has issues with unzip, I have seen a couple other issues for this quickly dismissed but it appears to remain unresolved.

I am deploying the action operator and secret runner set on a k3s node using this script.

# Scripted installment of Github Actions Self Hosted Runners

# Define namespace
echo "Namespace: ${NAMESPACE}"

# Helm install runner operator
echo "Installing runner operator"
helm install arc \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --create-namespace \
    --values ./values.yaml \

# Add secret for Github authorization
echo "Creating secret for Github"
kubectl create secret generic pre-defined-secret \
   --namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
   --from-literal=github_app_id=MY_APP_ID \
   --from-literal=github_app_installation_id=MY_INSTALLATION_ID \
   --from-literal=github_app_private_key="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

# Install Runner Set
echo "Installing runner set"
helm install "${RUNNER_INSTALLATION_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
    --create-namespace \
    --set githubConfigUrl="${GITHUB_CONFIG_URL}" \
    --set githubConfigSecret="pre-defined-secret" \

I have tried two different AMI's to rule out a host OS issue. ami-0e001c9271cf7f3b9: us-east-1 - Jammy Jellyfish - v22.04 LTS - amd64 - hvm:ebs-ssd - 20240411 ami-061612d72693df8ce: us-east-1 - Focal Fossa - v20.04 LTS - amd64 - hvm:ebs-ssd - 20240416

I have tried both pinning the version of the operator and runner set at 0.9.0 and 0.9.1, neither work.

I have tested this with the Github hosted ubuntu-latest which works without issue, however on my self hosted runners deployed as described above this does not work.

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 8 51 06 PM

Platforms affected

Runner images affected

Image version and build link

helm versions gha-runner-scale-set-controller-0.9.1 0.9.1 gha-runner-scale-set-0.9.1 0.9.1

gha-runner-scale-set-controller-0.9.0 0.9.0 gha-runner-scale-set-0.9.0 0.9.0

Is it regression?


Expected behavior

Expected: the unzip utility should be installed AND executable to workflow executions

Actual behavior

As shown in the image, unzip is not executable

Repro steps

Step 1 - Execute shell script to install operator and secret runner Step 2 - Trigger workflow on self hosted runner

TristanB1994 commented 1 week ago

After digging into several threads in various actions repos and documentation I have concluded that the runner images are actually by design 'bare' for self hosted runners compared to the github hosted runner images. Closing this issue but suggesting the documentation about this be improved