actions / setup-python

Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Python
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Version not found when using new arm-based linux runners (ubuntu 22.04) #882

Open juanitosvq opened 3 weeks ago

juanitosvq commented 3 weeks ago

Description: I just created a runner using the newly available arm-based linux images for GitHub actions: I am using Ubuntu 22.04 for this runner: image

When trying to use the actions/setup-python@v5 to set up python 3.9, the action is failing with:

The version '3.9' with architecture 'arm64' was not found for Ubuntu 22.04. The list of all available versions can be found here:

Action version: actions/setup-python@v5


Runner type:

Tools version: Python 3.9

Repro steps:
Create a runner using the new arm-based linux, selecting Ubuntu 22.04 by Arm Limited as Image name. Use that new runner in a GitHub Action and try to set up python3.9 using the action.

Expected behavior: Should be able to set up python 3.9 in an arm-based Ubuntu 22.04 runner.

Actual behavior: Unable to set up python 3.9 in an arm-based Ubuntu 22.04 runner.

aparnajyothi-y commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @juanitosvq, Thank you for creating this issue and we will look into it :)

AlissonMachadoEmbitel commented 2 weeks ago

i have the same issue, but trying to use the python3.11.9 and i am using a self hosted runner

atwoodjw commented 2 weeks ago

It's a little surprising setup-python doesn't support ARM-based Python versions yet, given ARM-based runners are in public beta now. We were able to get around this by running jobs in a container (not using setup-python).