actions / setup-python

Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Python
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Cannot parse version number from TOML 1.0.0 pyproject.toml file #897

Open Jazzinghen opened 1 week ago

Jazzinghen commented 1 week ago

Description: When providing a pyproject.toml that uses TOML 1.0.0 entries as python-version-file the action fails due to an error within the TOML parser.

Action version: v5.1.0


Runner type:

Tools version:

Repro steps:
Create a pyproject.toml file using a mixed list (here is the default value for Poetry Dynamic Versioning):

name = "test_package"
description = "Test package to setup python on Github"
requires-python = ">=3.12"
license = ""
keywords = []
authors = [
    "Jazzinghen <>" 

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.8.0", "poetry-dynamic-versioning>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry_dynamic_versioning.backend"

enable = false
strict = true
style = "pep440"
pattern = "default-unprefixed"
tag-branch = "origin/main"

folders = [{ path = "src" }]
patterns = [
  { value = "(^__version_tuple__\\s*(?::.*?)?=\\s*\\()[^)]*(\\))", mode = "tuple" },

python = "^3.12"

Run the action using the file as "Python version file".

Expected behavior: The action installs Python >=3.12 in the job's container.

Actual behavior: The action fails with the following error:

 Error: Inline lists must be a single type, not a mix of string and inline-table at row 27, col 84, pos 757:
26:    "(^release\\s*(?::.*?)?=\\s*['\"])[^'\"]*(['\"])",
27>   { value = "(^__version_tuple__\\s*(?::.*?)?=\\s*\\()[^)]*(\\))", mode = "tuple" },
28: ]
JamesParrott commented 1 week ago

The dev version of the toml library used by this tool has supported Toml 1.0.0-rc1 (that allows mixed types in arrays) since 2019.
It's currently on v3.0.0

This tool must pull the previous version from NPM that's 4 years old. v2.2.5 must enforce Toml 0.5.0 rules, which forbid mixed types in an Array, as the error says.

I don't know if the builder or typescript compiler can pull in packages from Github instead of npm. But if so, fixing this should just need a version bump here and elsewhere:

aparnajyothi-y commented 1 week ago

Hello @Jazzinghen, Thank you for creating this issue and we will look into it :)

Jazzinghen commented 1 week ago

@aparnajyothi-y Thank you for letting me know.