actions / starter-workflows

Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows
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Add roxctl code-scanning workflow #2391

Open dhaus67 opened 1 month ago

dhaus67 commented 1 month ago


Please note that at this time we are only accepting new starter workflows for Code Scanning. Updates to existing starter workflows are fine.


For all workflows, the workflow:

For CI workflows, the workflow:

- [ ] Should be preserved under the ci directory. - [ ] Should include a matching ci/properties/*.properties.json file (for example, ci/properties/ - [ ] Should run on push to branches: [ $default-branch ] and pull_request to branches: [ $default-branch ]. - [ ] Packaging workflows should run on release with types: [ created ]. - [ ] Publishing workflows should have a filename that is the name of the language or platform, in lower case, followed by "-publish" (for example, docker-publish.yml).

For Code Scanning workflows, the workflow:

Some general notes:

- [ ] This workflow must only use actions that are produced by GitHub, in the actions organization, or

dhaus67 commented 1 month ago

cc: @actions/advanced-security-code-scanning @actions/actions-workflow-development-reviewers @actions/starter-workflows