actiontech / dble

A High Scalability Middle-ware for MySQL Sharding
GNU General Public License v2.0
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route to multiple datanodes by hint with sql type success, but the results from multiple datanodes are only simply concatenated. #2276

Closed cloudfirst closed 3 years ago

cloudfirst commented 3 years ago

not sure whether it is a bug or not.

========================================================== mysql> explain select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1199; +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHARDING_NODE | TYPE | SQL/REF | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | dn2 | BASE SQL | select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1199 | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+

mysql> explain select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1200 and 1299; +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHARDING_NODE | TYPE | SQL/REF | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | dn3 | BASE SQL | select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1200 and 1299 | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> explain select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1229; +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHARDING_NODE | TYPE | SQL/REF | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | dn2 | BASE SQL | select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1229 | | dn3 | BASE SQL | select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1229 | +---------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------+

mysql> /!dble:sql=select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1199/ select doc_eid, doc_title from scopus_paper order by doc_eid limit 5; +---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | doc_eid | doc_title | +---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | 0 | | 110 | Symmetry of quantum phase space in a degenerate Hamiltonian system | | 227 | Lithography of 180nm design rule for 1Gbit DRAM | | 523 | Boundary subspaces for the finite element method with Lagrange multipliers | | 787 | A lagrangian method for calculating the dynamics of an incompressible fluid with free surface | +---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> /!dble:sql=select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1200 and 1299/ select doc_eid, doc_title from scopus_paper order by doc_eid limit 5; +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | doc_eid | doc_title | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | 0 | | 649 | Automorphismengruppen von lokalkompakten zusammenh�ngenden Quasik�rpern und Translationsebenen | | 1074 | L-shell x-ray intensity ratios for au and pb at excitation energies 36.82, 43.95, 48.60, 50.20 and 53.50 kev | | 1789 | Object-Oriented Simulator Design For an Automated High-Speed Modular Placement Machine Family | | 1880 | Jump discontinuities of semilinear, strictly hyperbolic systems in two variables: Creation and propagation | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> /!dble:sql=select 1 from sid_asjc_re where asjc between 1100 and 1229/ select doc_eid, doc_title from scopus_paper order by doc_eid limit 5; +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | doc_eid | doc_title | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0 | 0 | | 110 | Symmetry of quantum phase space in a degenerate Hamiltonian system | | 227 | Lithography of 180nm design rule for 1Gbit DRAM | | 523 | Boundary subspaces for the finite element method with Lagrange multipliers | | 787 | A lagrangian method for calculating the dynamics of an incompressible fluid with free surface | | 0 | 0 | | 649 | Automorphismengruppen von lokalkompakten zusammenh�ngenden Quasik�rpern und Translationsebenen | | 1074 | L-shell x-ray intensity ratios for au and pb at excitation energies 36.82, 43.95, 48.60, 50.20 and 53.50 kev | | 1789 | Object-Oriented Simulator Design For an Automated High-Speed Modular Placement Machine Family | | 1880 | Jump discontinuities of semilinear, strictly hyperbolic systems in two variables: Creation and propagation | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

what I expected is that : the last SQL statement will return the result that is REALLY ordered by doc_eid.

cloudfirst commented 3 years ago


yanhuqing666 commented 3 years ago

Hint means that: I know what I am doing, do not change anything, just send my QUERY to that I hint. When we use hint,we usually 1.R-W split. 2.Call procedure

  1. Route QUERY to the single Node or All nodes for strange propose (usually not),

In your case, looks like you need to just send a query like this: select doc_eid, doc_title from scopus_paper where asjc between 1100 and 1229 order by doc_eid limit 5; If your table scopus_paper not contains column asjc, you can use JOIN or check your table structure.

cloudfirst commented 3 years ago

that is the reason why I have to use hint instead of join. column asjc is not included in table scopus_paper for business reason.

then I try to use hint to see whether it can get the same result as the case that column asjc is included in table scopus_paper.

if hint means run query in specified node(s) and concatenate the result from each node, I guess whether it is possible to add a new feature that will run sql type hint that route to multiple datanodes and process the result from each datanode as what ordinary SQL statement without hint does.

cloudfirst commented 3 years ago

that is the reason why I have to use hint instead of join. column asjc is not included in table scopus_paper for business reason.

then I try to use hint to see whether it can get the same result as the case that column asjc is included in table scopus_paper.

if hint means run query in specified node(s) and concatenate the result from each node, I guess whether it is possible to add a new feature that will run sql type hint that route to multiple datanodes and process the result from each datanode as what ordinary SQL statement without hint does.