active-hash / active_hash

A readonly ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use a hash, a Yaml file or a custom file as the datasource
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remove wwtd #254

Closed kbrock closed 1 year ago

kbrock commented 2 years ago


Running rake locally fails. It links to wwtd (What Would Travis Do). Since we have moved all of our configuration data to github actions, there is no .travis.yml file for wwtd to work. So it makes sense that it would fail.

I really like wwtd, so I am sad to say good bye to it. But it no longer works and linking to it is causing developers to not be able to run the specs with a simple rake.

[master] active_hash $ rake
bundle install --quiet
bundle exec rake
rake aborted!
Already running WWTD
/Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/gems/wwtd-1.4.1/lib/wwtd/cli.rb:53:in `protect_against_nested_runs'
/Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/gems/wwtd-1.4.1/lib/wwtd/cli.rb:16:in `run'
/Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => default => wwtd
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
rm -rf .bundle

bundle exec rake


Running rake now runs the specs again, albeit not on the full gambit of ruby and rails versions.

[wwtd] active_hash $ rake
/Users/kbrock/.rubies/ruby-3.0.3/bin/ruby -I/Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/gems/rspec-core-3.12.1/lib:/Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/gems/rspec-support-3.12.0/lib /Users/kbrock/.gem/ruby/3.0.3/gems/rspec-core-3.12.1/exe/rspec --pattern spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb

Finished in 0.64132 seconds (files took 0.60096 seconds to load)
347 examples, 0 failures
kbrock commented 2 years ago

ok so can be used locally to run all GH action tests.

I liked the simplicity of wwtd, especially in --local mode where it only ran with one version of ruby. I'm just starting to use act and starting to learn more

kbrock commented 1 year ago

ok. So I have not gotten further with act.

But in the end of the day, rake locally does not run specs due to the missing .travis.yml file.

I haven't heard any objections to this within the past 6 months. Thinking about self merging. no longer allowed

kbrock commented 1 year ago
