I am having an error "wrong number of arguments calling initialize (6 for 5)" when i access the /admin page.
I am using activeadmin-mongoid version 0.2.0 (because activeadmin 0.6.0 supports JRuby i believe)
However, when i change the active_admin.rb in config/initializer from config.authentication_method = :authenticate_admin_user!
config.current_user_method = :current_admin_user
config.authentication_method = :authenticate_user!
config.current_user_method = :current_user
i can login as the "user credentials" and not "admin@example.com" which i hope to avoid (every normal user logging into activeadmin)
I am having an error "wrong number of arguments calling
(6 for 5)" when i access the /admin page.I am using activeadmin-mongoid version 0.2.0 (because activeadmin 0.6.0 supports JRuby i believe)
However, when i change the active_admin.rb in config/initializer from config.authentication_method = :authenticate_admin_user! and config.current_user_method = :current_admin_user
config.authentication_method = :authenticate_user! and config.current_user_method = :current_user
i can login as the "user credentials" and not "admin@example.com" which i hope to avoid (every normal user logging into activeadmin)
More info:
Extracted source (around line #7):
4: <% scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_name) %> 5: <%= active_admin_form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => send(:"#{scope}_session_path"), :html => { :id => "session_new" }) do |f| 6: f.inputs do 7: resource.class.authentication_keys.each { |key| f.input key, :input_html => {:autofocus => true}} 8: f.input :password 9: f.input :remember_me, :label => t('active_admin.devise.login.remember_me'), :as => :boolean, :if => false #devise_mapping.rememberable? } 10: end