activeadmin / arbre

An Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby
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Using Arbre in ERB, how to access the ERB context? #14

Closed chengguangnan closed 10 years ago

chengguangnan commented 11 years ago
# show.html.erb

@username = 333

html = do
  h2 "hello #{@username.to_s}"

concat html.to_s

It outputs


Clearly the value @username defined outside is not accessible. How to fix that?

OutlawAndy commented 11 years ago

the quick answer is, you pass a hash in to the constructor of the context;

html ={username: 333}) do
  h2 "hello #{username}"

html.to_s #=> "<h2>hello 333</h2>"

you can also pass in a helpers object to provide another context for method calling

check out the source, it is well documented in-line

williscool commented 11 years ago

It also apparently doesn't get the route helpers in a rails erb template :(

Was going to use it in a project. Can't now :(

template = @album) do
  h3 "Songs for the #{link_to, musician_path(} album: #{}"


will get you

undefined method `musician_path' for :Arbre::Context`
seanlinsley commented 11 years ago

@williscool if you put the template in its own foo.html.arb file, it'll automatically get the Rails helpers. Take a look at:

williscool commented 11 years ago

@Daxter Aww shucks

Well I ended up going with erector because it has a generator that will convert your old html for you

Which was mindblowingly awesome.

Arbre's syntax is way better in my opinion though. If it had a generator that would be really cool