My project is made up of several docker containers, the DB (clickhouse), rita and zeek. A volume is shared between the Rita and Zeek containers in order to access the logs.
A cron is run every hour to import the logs into Rita. For the import, I only take the zeek logs folder of the day in order to have only 24h in Rita (the rolling option is also well set).
When I return the RITA results, I see internal connections, but these should not be included because they are in the config.hjson file.
My project is made up of several docker containers, the DB (clickhouse), rita and zeek. A volume is shared between the Rita and Zeek containers in order to access the logs.
A cron is run every hour to import the logs into Rita. For the import, I only take the zeek logs folder of the day in order to have only 24h in Rita (the rolling option is also well set).
When I return the RITA results, I see internal connections, but these should not be included because they are in the config.hjson file.
My RITA config
Results of RITA (CSV)
In the http log file, you can see that this is a connection between two private ip addresses