Open orkhan opened 3 months ago
Maybe it will help someone who is also debugging this issue.
Rails 7.2.1 Ruby 3.2.2
x = ArticleCategory.ransack(title_eq: 'Child category')
It produces the next SELECT "article_categories".* FROM "article_categories" /* loading for pp */ LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 11]]
It returns all of the records (should not).
Backtrace of the calls:
def ransack(params = {}, options = {}), params, options)
def result(opts = {})
@context.evaluate(self, opts)
def evaluate(search, opts = {})
viz =
relation = @object.where(viz.accept(search.base))
will call visit method here:
def visit(object)
send(DISPATCH[object.class], object)
and this will call visit_Ransack_Nodes_Condition
and visit_Ransack_Nodes_Grouping
The strange behavior that I noticed is that Ransack::Nodes::Condition does not have attributes, it returns an empty array. I read test cases so probably it is not correct behavior, also I run tests locally and they are all green, so the current issue is not covered by them.
I am also experiencing this issue. Is there any progress on addressing it?
I am also experiencing this issue. Is there any progress on addressing it?
In my case, it seems that my ransackable_attributes
were defined as a symbol array (%i[]
) and changing it to a word array (%w[]
) fixed it. It does, however, seem like a bad thing that the symbol array is recognized sufficiently to make ransack believe the method names are accounted for, but not enough to actually use them.
Ransack is not working, it's not returning filtered results. Just all results
Started GET "/api/v1/stations?q[station_plug_types_plug_type_id_eq]=bfce2465-c064-423b-bb72-7cc7af2039f7&q[max_kwh_eq]=0" for ::1 at 2024-08-29 17:24:35 +0400 Processing by Api::V1::StationsController#index as JSON Parameters: {"q"=>{"station_plug_types_plug_type_id_eq"=>"bfce2465-c064-423b-bb72-7cc7af2039f7", "max_kwh_eq"=>"0"}} Unpermitted parameter: :format. Context: { controller: Api::V1::StationsController, action: index, request: #<ActionDispatch::Request:0x0000000127494d00>, params: {"q"=>{"station_plug_types_plug_type_id_eq"=>"bfce2465-c064-423b-bb72-7cc7af2039f7", "max_kwh_eq"=>"0"}, "format"=>:json, "controller"=>"api/v1/stations", "action"=>"index"} } Ransack::Search<class: Station, base: Grouping <conditions: [Condition <predicate: eq, values: ["bfce2465-c064-423b-bb72-7cc7af2039f7"]>, Condition <predicate: eq, values: [0]>], combinator: and>> Station Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT "stations".* FROM "stations" LEFT OUTER JOIN "station_plug_types" ON "station_plug_types"."station_id" = "stations"."id" ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in
index' Provider Load (0.3ms) SELECT "providers". FROM "providers" WHERE "providers"."id" = $1 [["id", "9a2f9e1b-87df-4538-aaf8-16efe51055ee"]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in `index' HABTM_Amenities Load (0.2ms) SELECT "amenities_stations". FROM "amenities_stations" WHERE "amenities_stations"."station_id" = $1 [["station_id", "34286d84-8c3f-4bf6-9d7a-bb03845ec0c6"]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:inindex' Amenity Load (0.3ms) SELECT "amenities".* FROM "amenities" WHERE "amenities"."id" = $1 [["id", "9b57b6b2-c45a-4706-b474-6079d657f6fe"]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in
index' City Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cities". FROM "cities" WHERE "cities"."id" = $1 [["id", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in `index' StationPlugType Load (0.2ms) SELECT "station_plug_types". FROM "station_plug_types" WHERE "station_plug_types"."station_id" = $1 [["station_id", "34286d84-8c3f-4bf6-9d7a-bb03845ec0c6"]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:inindex' State Load (0.2ms) SELECT "states".* FROM "states" WHERE "states"."id" = $1 [["id", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in
index' PlugType Load (0.3ms) SELECT "plug_types". FROM "plug_types" WHERE "plug_types"."id" = $1 [["id", "bfce2465-c064-423b-bb72-7cc7af2039f7"]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:in `index' Country Load (0.3ms) SELECT "countries". FROM "countries" WHERE "countries"."id" = $1 [["id", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/api/v1/stations_controller.rb:7:inindex' [active_model_serializers] Rendered ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer with ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::Attributes (1.72ms) Completed 200 OK in 21ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms (9 queries, 0 cached) | GC: 4.9ms)