activescott / lessmsi

A tool to view and extract the contents of an Windows Installer (.msi) file.
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make GUI multilanguage #203

Open bovirus opened 1 month ago

bovirus commented 1 month ago


Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Bug is "GUI only English".

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Modify the source to make GUI multilanguage. I can help to translate it into Italian.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

mega5800 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your suggestion. I believe it could be beneficial not only for Italian users but also for users from other countries, as this work will pave the way for other GUI languages.

The first step would be to map all the different English texts in the GUI app.

Main Form: image

File Sub Menu: image

Edit Sub Menu: image

About Sub Menu: image

Table View Tab: image

Summary Tab: image

Streams Tab: image

@bovirus and @activescott, please let me know if I missed any other English text. bovirus, please let me know if you can translate the marked texts to Italian and send them as a comment for this initial stage.

bovirus commented 3 weeks ago


Thanks for the opportunity.

File=File Edit=Modifica About=Info programma Extract Files=Estrai file Table View=Vista tabella Streams=Flussi Name=Nome Directory=Cartella Component=Componente Size=Dimensione Version=Versione Seelct All=Selziona tutto Deselct all=Deseleziona tutto Open=Apri

= Exit=Esci Copy=Copia Preferennces=Preferenze Search file=Cerca file About Less MSieérables [lessmsi] GUI Interface=Info interfaccia GUI Less MSieérables [lessmsi]. Created by=Creata da with contribution from=con il contributo di and others=e altri This program uses a slightly modified of the libsmpack library.=Questo programma usa una versione leggermente modificata della libreria libsmpack. The modified libsmpack source code is available from lessmsi website at=Il codice sorgente modificato di libsmpack è disponibile nel sito web lessmsi all'indirizzo Table=Tabella Name=Nome Value=Valore ID=ID Type=Tipo Description=Descrizione Stream=Flusso streaminbfo=Info stream Extract Stream Files...=Estrai file flussi...
activescott commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks everyone!

@mega5800 For implementation, I am assuming these new languages would just be new resx files added to git and the msbuild project and would be compiled to .resources files and distributed with the binaries. Is that correct or are you thinking something else?

and this will only affect GUI right?

mega5800 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @activescott.

I will use resx files to support different languages based on user’s locale. I will create a default file for English and another file for Italian. This change will only effect the GUI, as bovirus requested.

In the meantime, are there any other languages you’d like to add to the GUI?

Thank you.

activescott commented 3 weeks ago

Sounds Great! Thank you for your efforts!

mega5800 commented 3 weeks ago

@bovirus, thank you for the provided translations.

I miss the next phrases:

In addition, I would like to get translations for the next:

Error Phrases

LessMSIerables Preferences


Thank you.

mega5800 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @bovirus.

Any updates regarding the Italian texts I requested?

Thank you.

bovirus commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for delay. I wrote the translation but seems disapperated.

Riepilogo File recenti

ERRORE Errore nel caricamento info riepilogo Impossibile aprire il file Impossibile visualizzare il file Impossibile visualizzare la tabella Il file non esiste Il percorso del file contiene caratteri non validi Il percorso del file ha un formato non valido Il percorso è vuoto Il percorso del file è troppo lungo Il file non esiste


Aggiungi menu contestuale Explorer Aggiungi le voci 'Estrai' e 'Sfoglia' al menu contestuale dei file .msi

Rimuovi menu contestuale Explorer Rimuovi se esistono voci menu contestuale Explorer


mega5800 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @bovirus.

I need the next phrases:

Thank you

bovirus commented 2 weeks ago


File mancante

Il file 'AddWindowsExplorerShortcut' deve essere nella stessa cartella di less-gui.exe.


Impossibile trovare lo stream per

Caricamento elenco tabelle

Nessun file presente

file trovati

Tabella elaborazione

Seleziona i file da estrarre



mega5800 commented 2 weeks ago

@bovirus, thank you for your help.

I believe I got all the necessary Italian texts and already created a pull request for @activescott to examine. You can view some screenshots of the Italian GUI in the pull request message.